نعيمة سعد جمعة الشيباني

عضو هيئة تدريس قار

المؤهل العلمي: ماجستير

الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ مشارك

قسم علوم الحياة - مدرسة العلوم الأساسية

المنشورات العلمية
Nutritional, Physicochemical and Organoleptic Properties of Cookies Enriched with Green Lentil Dietary Flour Proposed for Children
Journal Article

The aim of this study was to partially determine the nutritional and functional properties of cookies enriched with green lentil dietary flour proposed for children. The proposed cookies were enriched with lentil dietary flour at different concentrations, at the expense of the proportion of wheat flour. The cookies were divided into three different groups based on different formulas, the first group was without green lentil (control), while the other two groups were enriched cookies with green lentil flour “6%” and “12%”.

Results of protein analysis showed that cookies with 6% lentil flour had the highest protein content. Results of protein solubility indicated that cookies fortified with green lentil flour had the highest extraction values in comparison to the control samples. The molecular weight of proteins from ingredients (lentils, wheat, skimmed milk, whey protein, and egg), extracted by high ionic strength buffers, remained unchanged. The combination of ingredients normally impacts a change in proteins, but the major proteins preserve their nutritional characteristics even after being mixed in different formulas. The results showed that the dry matter and ash contents of cookie samples increased by the addition of lentil dietary flour. Colour measurement results showed that the control samples had the highest L* values, while samples of resulted in acceptable quality characteristics in both cookie types (6 and 12%). Overall, data indicates cookies enriched with green lentil dietary flour have fortified their protein and phytochemical contents. The utilization of protein powder derived from lentils may enhance the nutritional quality and functional properties of cookies that can be proposed for school and pre-school kids.


Abdulatef Mrghni Ahhmed Nesr, Şule Daştan2, Mustafa Çam, Naema Saad Gumma Shibani, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz, Shiro Takeda, Ryoichi Sakata, (05-2024), انجلترا: ECronicon open access, 19 (5), 1-17

Abdulatef Mrghni Ahhmed Nesr, Şule Daştan2, Mustafa Çam, Naema Saad Gumma Shibani, Mustafa Tahsin Yilmaz, Shiro Takeda, Ryoichi Sakata, (05-2024), انجلترا: ECronicon open access, 19 (5), 1-17