Issues in FPGA-Based Configurable Computer Design for Operating Systems and Multimedia Applications
Conference paperIn this paper mappings of several different algorithms from the fields of operating systems and multimedia are discussed, together with the underlying system architecture. The system architecture is based on a board with four FPGA circuits. For the purpose of this research, a simulator of the system has been developed, and different interconnection networks, memory, and bus architectures have been tested. The results of the simulation, as well as analytical results, are presented.
Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (01-1999), Hawaii, USA: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. 1999. HICSS-32, 50-56
Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Die Casting Design
Conference paperAbstract: Die ca sting process is one of the widely used processes in the manufacturing area. It has the capability for high production rate s with good strength, high quality part s with complex shape s. Die is the main factor which affect s the cost of this process. Even when the process is semi or fully automated the cost of the die is proportionately high. Commercially available FEA Software (LUSAS) has been u sed. A full Finite Element Analysis was carried out in order to achieve an optimum de sign, and to predict the die life. The analysis has been repeated several time s for different element s to achieve the best possible de sign. Since ca sting is a repetitive manufacturing process, fatigue load was taken into consideration and analysis carried out for a high number of cycle s.
Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (08-1998), Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT’98), August 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.: 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT’98), 267-272
Iron Substitution in the Microporous Titanosilicate ETS 10
Journal ArticleIron substituted ETS-10 samples with different Fe/Ti ratios were synthesised hydrothermally. The occurrence of a doublet with the isomer shift of octahedral Fe(III) in the Mossbauer spectra.
A. Eldewik, V Luca, NK Singh, RF Howe, (07-1998), Proceedings of the I2th international Zeolite Conference: Materials Research Society, 12 (12), 1507-1514
Influence of humic substances on sorption of cesium and strontium on montmorillonite
Journal ArticleThe effect of humic acid addition on the capacity of inorganic sorbents to sorb radioactive cesium and strontium was studied on montmorillonites in a calcium and potassium form. The Sips isotherm for humic acid sorption and multisite distribution model of ion sorption was found to suit well for the description of mobility of ions as a function of equilibrium humic acid concentration as a single variable at given pH and type of silicate. Complexation of the ions was of minor importance at the conditions investigated. Influence of humic acid on the specific radiocesium interception potential (SRIP) was also evaluated
IS Shaban, (03-1998), المجر: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 229 (9), 73-78
Cesium speciation in solid matrices and its specific ion adsorption by soils
Conference paperالوصف
A standard analytical technique for determination of the partial ion exchange capacity of mineral or soil for selective uptake of cesium, the specific radiocesium interception potential (SRIP) is formulated and theoretically discussed. The method is based on the determination of a retained, leached or sorbed fraction of carrier-free cesium-137 in soil contacted with 0.01M KNO 3 -0.01M Ag thiourea complex solution at the phase ratio solution:sorbent 10 ml:0.1 g. Reliability of the method is discussed in connection of radiocesium carrier and humic substances presence.
I. S. Shaban, F Macášek,, (03-1998), Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó, co-published with Springer Science+ Business Media BV, Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers BV, 79-83
Sorption-desorption of radiocesium on various sorbents in presence of humic acid
Journal ArticleIn general, the amount of radiocesium sorbed by the five sorbents with 0.01 mol·dm−3 NaCl was in order zeolite > NiFeCN−SiO2 > montmorillonite > aerogel > silica gel. Addition of humic acid solution to the sorbents depressed the sorption of cesium by all sorbents, except for NiFeCN−SiO2 was not seen, with the greatest effect showing to the aerogel. The presence of humic acid resulted in an enhanced desorption of cesium from zeolite, NiFeCN−SiO2 and to a lesser extent from montmorillonite and silica gel. The order of cesium retention following desorption for both sorbent and sorbent/humic-acid mixtures was zeolit > NiFeCN−SiO2 > montmorillonite > silica gel. The presence of humic acid resulted in decreasing of distribution coefficient values for both sorption and desorption processes.
I.S. Shaban, (09-1996), Hungary: Elsevier Science S. A., Lausanne and Akaddmiai Kiad6, Budapest, 208 (2), 593-603
Solid-State MAS 207Pb NMR of Lead Compound
Journal ArticleLead compounds still have numerous applications in our society, in spite of their known toxicity *. For example they are used in batteries and petroleum additives, paints and housing materials, catalysts and ceramics, glasses and semi-conductors. Elemental analysis will readily show the presence of lead but precise knowledge of the form it takes should be accessible with solid-state 2G7pb NMR, because NMR can probe the local environment of the lead atom(s) 2 ' 8 . The enormous chemical shift range, >15,000 ppm, already established for lead 9 suggests that small changes in its environment will lead to easily detected changes in chemical shift provided that the usual line narrowing techniques developed for solids, such as magic angle spinning (MAS), are successful. On the other hand, distortions from regular geometry around the lead atom will induce large changes in chemical shift anisotropy, and make detection more difficult as has been found for ^H g *0. The aim of this work has been to investigate parameters and variables required for the successful detection of this nucleus which has very favourable properties ( spin 1/2, 21% natural abundance) in the solid state. We have recently shown that 207pj, NM R spectra of solid lead(II) nitrate are significantly and uniformily dependent on temperature ?. Here we present results for some simple lead compounds as well as for model sytems related to soils such as leadexchanged zeolites H
Abdussalam Nureldean Emhamed Eldewik, Michael Logan, Russell How, * Nagindar Sing, l Leon C. M. van Gorko, James M Hook, (07-1995), Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance: Proceedings of the Xllth Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance July 16 - 21, 1995 Sydney, Australia, 17 (1), 186-187