Design of Intelligent Chatbot for Stress Management
Conference paper

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on using natural language processing (NLP) in chatbots to manage stress in war-affected countries. A Java-based chatbot was designed to alleviate stress using two algorithms: TextRank and Stanford_CoreNLP. The problem was solved by integrating different languages using a plugin. The chatbot was tested with fifteen people and received positive feedback. Modifications were made based on user feedback, with journaling being a winner. However, the chatbot faced limitations like a lack of Arabic language support and voice chat features.

Adel Ali Faraj Eluheshi, Amira Shlebik, (12-2024), Libya: The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 17-27

Geochemical Evaluation of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Source Rocks at the Erawin Field, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Journal Article

Abstract: Eighty-five rock samples corresponding to the Palaeozoic formations were taken from two wells in the NC 200 Block of the Murzuq Basin. The study aimed to find out geochemical characteristics of Silurian Bir Tlacsin/Tanezzuft Formations, the Devonian Awaynat Wanin/BDS II Formations, and the Carboniferous Marar/Lower Marar Formations. Rock-Eval analysis, Total organic carbon (TOC) parameters and specific Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) biomarkers were applied to determine the potential hydrocarbon generation. Per se, Rocks are good sources and hold fair content of organic matter, crossing in the range of good accumulation, in which the very good source rocks have an organic carbon richness (TOC) reached of 3.7 wt%. The studied rocks are ranged from immature to late mature organic matter (OM) with total organic carbon richness (TOC) range between 0.4 – 3.7 wt%. Rock-Eval parameters S1, S2, S3, Tmax, S2/S3, OI, PI and HI of the source rock samples have values ranged from 0.02 – 0.3, 0.22 – 6, 0.36 – 4, 423 – 443, 24= 350, 0 – 0.27 and 42 – 384 respectively. The range of hydrogen index (HI) related to oxygen index (OI) displays that all kerogen types from Type II to Type III are exist and increase with depth. The Tmax parameter is wide-ranging among studied formations, indicating different levels of organic matter maturity, from immature oil window and to late mature for the Devonian-Carboniferous and Silurian source rocks, associated with more depth. Molecular composition analysis of n-alkanes and other biomarkers supported the findings of Rock-Eval pyrolysis data, revealing varied hydrocarbon signatures across the formations. The Carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) suggested multiple sources contributing to the generated oil, including Type I to Type III kerogens.

Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (10-2024), UK: Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 10 (30), 465-481

Facies Analysis and Reservoirs Characterization of the Ordovician Hawaz and Memouniyat Formations and the Devonian Awainat Wanin Formation, Area 176-4, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Conference paper

Abstract: The Ordovician to Devonian succession in the in Murzuq Basin represents the most important part of the lower Paleozoic terrigenous Al Gargaf siliciclastic group, which consists of several formations such as the Ordovician Hawaz, Melaz Shuqran and Mamuniyat Formations and the Devonian Tadrart and Awainat Wanin Formations. Different integrated methods were used and implemented in order to understand lithology and sedimentary structures of the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian formations. Firstly, intensive geological field trips were carried out and special attention was focused on Ordovician and Devonian reservoir sandstones and the Silurian source rocks. Secondly facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy methods were applied to figure out a simple sequence stratigraphic division of the Ordovician to Devonian succession based on outcrop sections, well logs and interpreted seismic sections. As a result of the petrographic field investigation and facies analysis based on seismic interpretation of the several seismic lines in the study area. Sequence boundaries of the Ordovician and Devonian succession on all seismic sections were identified by using specific reflection terminations such as onlap and erosional truncations features. 13 seismic facies were recognized, divided and classified for each of the examined stratigraphic formations (4 facies in Hawaz, 5 facies in Melaz Shuqran and Mamuniyat formations and 4 facies in the Tadrart and Awainat Wanin). A seismic facies classification chart was made on the basis of the classified seismic facies scheme, since depositional systems and types of seismic facies differ in each stratigraphic succession. Depositional sequences of sedimentary environments were identified from well logs and available 2D seismic sections and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were constructed for the Ordovician and Devonian formations. Based on the facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy interpretations, two different order sequences in the Ordovician to Devonian succession have been found and identified: The major sequences are possibly 2nd-order sequences in time duration. They are clearly traceable on all seismic sections. May be minor sequences are possibly 3rd-order sequences, and they are not traceable on all seismic sections clearly, but are recognized on well logs or outcrop sections. Eventually, all obtained information and that results were plotted on the different maps for each examined section to construct a depositional model and to estimate the maximum distributions of each formation separately on the basis of depositional system interpretations.

Keywords: Murzuq Basin, Al Gargaf siliciclastic group, Ordovician to Devonian succession, depositional system and seismic facies

Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (10-2024), ليبيا: International Science and Technology Journal, 1-20

Geochemical Evaluation of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Source Rocks at the Erawin Field, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Journal Article

Eighty-five rock samples corresponding to the Palaeozoic formations were taken from two wells in

the NC 200 Block of the Murzuq Basin. The study aimed to find out geochemical characteristics of

parameters and specific Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) biomarkers were 

applied to determine the potential hydrocarbon generation. Per se, Rocks are good sources and 

hold fair content of organic matter, crossing in the range of good accumulation, in which the very 

good source rocks have an organic carbon richness (TOC) reached of 3.7 wt%. The studied rocks 

are ranged from immature to late mature organic matter (OM) with total organic carbon richness 

(TOC) range between 0.4 – 3.7 wt%. Rock-Eval parameters S1, S2, S3, Tmax, S2/S3, OI, PI and HI 

of the source rock samples have values ranged from 0.02 – 0.3, 0.22 – 6, 0.36 – 4, 423 – 443, 24= 

350, 0 – 0.27 and 42 – 384 respectively. The range of hydrogen index (HI) related to oxygen index 

(OI) displays that all kerogen types from Type II to Type III are exist and increase with depth. The 

Tmax parameter is wide-ranging among studied formations, indicating different levels of organic 

matter maturity, from immature oil window and to late mature for the Devonian-Carboniferous and 

Silurian source rocks, associated with more depth. Molecular composition analysis of n-alkanes and 

other biomarkers supported the findings of Rock-Eval pyrolysis data, revealing varied hydrocarbon 

signatures across the formations. The Carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) suggested multiple sources 

contributing to the generated oil, including Type I to Type III kerogens. Silurian Bir Tlacsin/Tanezzuft Formations, the Devonian Awaynat Wanin/BDS II Formations, and

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (10-2024), Journal of Scientific Research and Reports:, 30 (10), 465-481

Genetic Characterization and Sequencing of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Isolate Circulating in Beni-Suef Governorate, Egypt
Journal Article

Large outbreaks of skin lesions in cattle have been observed recently throughout the governorate. The LSDV was

shown to be the causative factor. The local strain of LSDV was sequenced and deposited into GenBank, where it

was assigned the accession number MK552139 and designated as LSDV/Egy-BSU/2018. The discovered strain

resources were connected and to other LSDVs, however the phylogenetic tree clustered viruses of sheep pox, goat

pox, and LSD viruses independently. The GPCR gene nucleotide and the LSDV's inferred amino acid sequences

were examined in this work by comparing them to the corresponding reference sequences found in the GenBank.

Lutfi Mohamed Mohamed Bakar, (10-2024), Online ISSN: 2957-644X: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3 (2), 9-16

Investigation of Unconventional Reservoirs of The Upper Cretaceous Source Rocks in The Hameimat Trough South East Sirte Basin, Libya
Journal Article

ABSTRACT: Study area situated in the center of the Hameimat trough which is located in the southeast of the Sirte basin. The Hameimat trough contains two of the largest oil fields in Libya, Gialo and Abu-Attifel fields. The Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet, and Sirte Formations are considered as the main source rock in Sirte Basin.Organic geochemical study of the Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet and Sirte Formations show these Formations have total organic carbon content values of 0.53% to 3.35% fair to excellent as source rock. The Kerogen types are type II and III mixed continental and marine organic matter. The thermal maturity of these formations indicates a mature stage in oil window.Oil saturation index (OSI: S1*100/TOC) shows that Sirte and Rachamt formations have low oil saturation, while the Tagrifet formation has good potential, where OSI exceeds 140 mg HC/g TOC in the most samples of the formation. The Tagrifet formation considers a good unconventional reservoir for shale oil, where the Sirte and Rachmat formations consider possible for shale oil with high risk.

Keywords: Unconventional reservoirs, Organic geochemistry, Sirte basin, shale oil and gas

Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (09-2024), ليبيا: الجامعة الأسمرية, 12 (37), 145-168

أهمية المجموعات العلمية الافتراضية على الفيسبوك: من وجهة نظر الدارسين في قسم دراسات المعلومات بالأكاديمية الليبية – جنزور
مقال في مجلة علمية

لا يخفى على المتتبع للتطورات ما يشهده التعليم العالي في جميع أنحاء العالم المتقدم والأقل تقدما، من تغيرات وتحولات جذرية نتيجة للتطورات التكنولوجية المعاصرة والتغيرات الحضارية المصاحبة، ولعل هذا يمثل التحدي الحقيقي لمؤسسات التعليم العالي في المجتمعات الأقل تقدما على وجه الخصوص.

اذ ان مؤسسات التعليم العالي تُعد منبع الإشعاع الفكري ورائدة التطور والتحديث في المجتمعات، وهي التي تقود التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، فهي مؤسسات أكاديمية ذات مستويات رفيعة، تتركز مهامها الرئيسية في التعليم والبحث العلمي وخدمة المجتمع.

وتُعد تكنولوجيا الشبكات الاجتماعية (Social Networks) في العموم، وشبكة الفيسبوك (Facebook) تحديدا من بين أكثر وأهم التطبيقات البارزة في اجيال الويب (Web) ، لما لها من مميزات وانتشار وتفاعل، مما دعت الضرورة إلى توظيفها في استبدال أنظمة التعليم التقليدية، بأنظمة أكثر انفتاحاً من شأنها ان تخلق بيئة علمية وبحثية أكثر تفاعلية.

لذا تنطلق الدراسة بشكل أساسي من التساؤل الرئيسي التالي: ما مدى افادة الدارسين في قسم دراسات المعلومات بالأكاديمية الليبية من المجموعات الافتراضية على الفيسبوك لتلبية احتياجاتهم الدراسية وأغراضهم البحثية؟

حنان الصادق محمد بيزان، (09-2024)، القاهرة: مجلة العربية الدولية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والبيانات، 3 (4)، 37-62

Flexibility and Durability in End Plate Joints: Insights from Advanced Modeling and Simulation
Journal Article


This investigation examines the performance of tension and compression connections in steel beam-column assemblies and concrete slabs, with a particular focus on end-plate joints employing four bolts. By utilising advanced finite element modelling (FEM) and simulation techniques, the study aims to elucidate the behaviour of these joints under both service and extraordinary load conditions. While these connections exhibit favourable flexibility and resilience during typical use, they present challenges in transmitting exceptional loads without incurring joint failure and potential structural collapse, particularly when subjected to unexpected loading scenarios. The research employs a meticulous analytical approach utilising ABAQUS/CAD software. This analysis incorporates a comprehensive evaluation of various parameters, including inherent structural imperfections, material properties, the interplay between steel and concrete, and the influence of non-linear material behaviour. The findings indicate that while these joints perform adequately under standard loading conditions, they may exhibit susceptibility to failure under extreme stresses. This underscores the critical need for the development of adaptable and robust steel beam-column connections to ensure paramount structural safety and stability. Furthermore, the study emphasises the significance of continuous advancements in modelling and simulation techniques, enabling the effective resolution of intricate structural challenges. This investigation offers valuable insights that can be harnessed to develop more efficient and secure composite steel-concrete structures. Furthermore, the study emphasises the significance of continuous advancements in modelling and simulation techniques, which can be employed to mitigate potential structural hazards and enhance building practices, ultimately leading to safer and more resilient structures. © 2024 by authors, all rights reserved.

Author keywords

ABAQUS/CADComposite JointsDurabilityEnd Plate ConnectionsExceptional LoadsFlexibilitySimulation

  • ISSN: 23321091
  • Source Type: Journal
  • Original language: English
  • DOI: 10.13189/cea.2024.120437
  • Document Type: Article
  • Publisher: Horizon Research Publishing

  Saleh, B.; Department of Civil Engineering, School of Science Engineering, Libyan Academy, State of Libya

© Copyright 2024 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (09-2024), Civil Engineering and Architecture: springer, 1 (1), 1-1

تقييم واقع الثروة الحيوانية في الوطن العربي ( دراسة الأغنام والماشية أنموذجاً في الفترة 2017-2021م )
مقال في مجلة علمية


  يستعرض البحث واقع الثروة الحيوانية في منطقة الوطن العربي في الفترة 2017-2020م التي لها أهمية بالغة في التنمية الاقتصادية ، حيث اختارت الباحثة نوعين من الحيوانات كنموذج للدراسة هما الأغنام والماشية نظراً لأهميتهما الغذائية للإنسان والاستفادة من منتجاتها ،وتم دراستها بناء على عامل الزمن لملاحظة ما إذا كان هناك تغير سواء بالإيجاب أو بالسلب في تربيتها والإنتاج السنوي وعلاقتها بزراعة الأعلاف وإنتاجها ، وقد اعتمدت الباحثة على الإحصاءات الواردة من المنظمة الزراعية العربية ومعالجتها وتحليلها باستخدام أساليب كمية للوصول إلى حقائق رقمية وتمثيلها في اشكال بيانية وخرائط رقمية ، ومن أهم نتائج الدراسة تصاعد سنوي في تربية الأغنام في منطقة الدراسة وفي نفس الوقت تراجع الماشية وذلك لما تتطلب من إمكانيات وظروف خاصة مغايرة للأغنام التي تتميز بسهولة تربيتها وتأقلمها في الظروف الجافة ،وتفضيل السكان أكل لحم الضأن عن لحم الماشية .


The research reviews the reality of livestock in the Arab world region in the period 2017-2020 AD, which is of great importance in economic development. The researcher chose two types of animals as a model for the study, namely sheep and cattle, due to their nutritional importance to humans and the benefit from their products. They were studied based on the time factor to observe whether there was a change, whether positive or negative, in their breeding and annual production and their relationship to fodder cultivation and production. The researcher relied on statistics received from the Arab Agricultural Organization and processed and analysed them using quantitative methods to reach numerical facts and represent them in graphic forms and digital maps. Among the most important results of the study is an annual increase in sheep breeding in the study area and at the same time a decline in livestock due to the special capabilities and conditions required, unlike sheep, which are characterized by their ease of breeding and adaptation to dry conditions, and the preference of the population to eat lamb meat over cattle meat.

رشا المهدي امحمد المحبس، (09-2024)، طرابلس: مجلة القرطاس، 25 (25)، 253-280

التعليم والقوى العاملة
مقال في مجلة علمية



ركزت هذه الدراسة على معرفة واقع التعيلم وأثره على القوة العاملة، وبما أن رفع كفاءة إنتاجية العمالة الوطنية بما يتلاءم واحتياجات سوق العمل، يتطلب ذلك معالجتها وفق رؤية إستراتيجية متكاملة من حيث الأهداف والسياسات والإجراءات والقواعد المطلوب اتخاذها عليه.

فقد تناولت هذه الدراسة العلاقة بين التعليم والقوى العاملة من عدة جوانب اقتصادية من حيث الإنفاق على التعليم باعتباره إنفاق استثماري على ألمدي الطويل وليس إنفاق استهلاكي وذلك من خلال استيعاب سوق العمل لمخرجات التعليم وكيفية الاستفادة من تكلفة الفرصة البديلة في التعليم من خلال الخيارات والبدائل المتاحة كذلك تناولت الدراسة. علاقة التعليم الجامعي وسوق العمل وتوصلت الدراسة في هذا الصدد أن التوسع في التعليم الجامعي والتخصصات العليا على حساب التعليم المتوسط وخاصة التعليم التقني له أثار سلبية على سوق العمل. وتناولت الدراسة أيضا ما يسمى بالتدريب الضائع وأكدت على أهمية النشاطات الأسرية والصناعات الصغرى في التقليل من بطالة تاركي المدارس والعاطلين عن العمل المنتشرة في الدول الفقيرة. بالإضافة الى ذلك تناولت الدراسة تخطيط العملية التعليمة وكيفية عملها والمشاكل التي تواجهها لمحاولة التقليل من اختناقات سوق العمل. وأخيرا حاولت الدراسة وضع تصور لرؤية مستقبلية للعملية التعليمية بمختلف مراحلها وانواعها.

. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من المقترحات لمعالجة بعض أوجه القصور في التعليم العالي والقوة العاملة نذكر من أهمها: - ربط مخرجات التعليم العام والتدريب الفني والمهني بالاحتياجات الفعلية ولمتطلبات التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والتكنولوجية والسياسية:- محاولة خلق التوازن بين عرض القرى العاملة والطلب عليها؛- العمل على زيادة نصيب الفرد من التعليم.ولحل المشكلة الحالية والمتعلقة باستغلال الإمكانات المتاحة من مواردنا البشرية من القوى العاملة بجميع شرائحها التعليمية واستغلالها الأمثل. كل هذه الإمكانات سوف تشتغل لخلق نشاطات اقتصادية واجتماعية وسياسية إذا ما تم التخطيط لها والاستفادة منها بشكل علمي وسوف يقضي على عديد من الظواهر السلبية في المجتمع مثل ظاهرة البطالة المقنعة وبطالة المتعلمين والاعتماد على القطاع العام كمصدر أساسي ووحيد للدخل.

مصطلحات الدراسة : العملية التعليمية _ سوق العمل _ البطالة _ تكلفة الفرصة البديلة 

عاصم شعيلي أبوخريص التائب، (09-2024)، الجمعية الليبية للدراسات والبحث العلمي: مجلة الريادة للبحوث والانشطة العلمية، 10 (1)، 159-186