Anticipated Impact of Hand-Hold Position on the Electromagnetic Interaction of Different Antenna Types/Positions and a Human in Cellular Communications
Conference paper

This paper is intended to investigate intensely the impact of multipossible hand-hold positions on the electromagnetic (EM) interaction of handset antennas and a human by using a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Candy-bar handsets with different external and internal antenna positions operating in the GSM900, GSM1800/DCS, and UMTS/IMT-2000 bands are hereby simulated with configuration of the most parts in order to achieve the commercially available handset model design. Homogeneous and heterogeneous phantoms both are used to simulate the human head, whereas, a semirealistic model with three different tissues is designed to simulate a human hand holding a set. Both of the antenna performance including the total isotropic sensitivity (TIS) and the specific absorption rate (SAR) in tissues are examined for the different suggested applicable cases, where various positions of antenna, handset and hand are considered in simulations. This simulation study determines that both of the antenna performance and the SAR in tissues significantly alter owing to the positioning of the handset against user’s head at different hand levels; where a maximum alteration is observed due to the exposure of handset with internal antenna, as compared with the handset having external antenna.

مرعي محمد المبروك أبوستة, S. I. Al-Mously, (01-2008), Hindawi Publishing Corporation: International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 1-22

Study of Both Antenna and PCB Positions Effect on the Coupling Between the Cellular Hand-Set and Human Head at GSM-900 Standard
Conference paper

This paper presents a through investigation into the effect of the external antenna and printed circuit board (PCB) positions in cellular hand-sets on the coupling between the handset and human-head at GSM-900 frequency standard. The antenna performance and the specific absorption rate (SAR) induced in a human head were computed using a Finite Difference Time-Domain based platform (SEMCAD). A numerical correct model of a European female head was adopted and a semi-realistic hand model was designed during the simulation. The results showed that the optimum position for the antenna and PCB in hand-set close to head is the far right-corner for the right-hand users and the far left-corner for the left-hand users, where a minimum SAR in head is achieved.

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, S. I. Al-Mously, (01-2008), Chiba, Japan: Proceedings of iWAT, 514-517

الاتجاه الرومانسي في الشعر الليبي الحديث
مقال في مجلة علمية

تأخر الأدب الليبي عن مواكبة التطور الذي عرفه الأدب في الشرق العربي وكان ذلك بسبب العزلة التي فرضها الاستعمار على الأدباء الليبيين الأمر الذي نتج عنه تقوقع الأدب الليبي فظل حبيسا داخل حدود القطر ... والدارس اليوم في كتب الأدب لا يكاد يجد ذكرا لليبيا وشعرائها وفي هذا ظلم وتجن على هذا القطر ومنهنا عقدنا العزم على القيام بهذا البحث ... لنثبت به أن الشعر الليبي قد عرف تطورا ملحوظا وإن قل عنه في غيره من الأقطار العربية .

فتحي رمضان خليفة القراضي، (12-2007)، الزاوية: كلية الآداب جامعة الزاوية، 6 (3)، 175-189

استخدام طريقة التحليل العنقودي في دراسة جودة مياه الشرب بمنطقة سوق الجمعة- طرابلس.
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

استخدام طريقة التحليل العنقودي في دراسة جودة مياه الشرب بمنطقة سوق الجمعة- طرابلس

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (12-2007)، المؤتمر الثالث للتنمية الزراعية المتواصلة: المؤتمر الثالث للتنمية الزراعية المتواصلة - كلية الزراعة- جامعة الفيوم 2007، 8-18

Energy Absorption Characteristics of Radially Corrugated Composite Shells Under Different Quasi-static Loading Conditions
PhD Thesis

This research is devoted to investigate the effect of structural geometry on the crushing behaviour, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of radial corrugated composite shells. A multi-discipline literature review on the use of composite materials in the field of crashworthiness was carried out. Based on the literature review findings, new composite structure (Radial Corrugated Composite Tube RCCT) was proposed to be fabricated and investigated experimentally.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (08-2007), University Putra Malaysia: University Putra Malaysia,

المصاحف الخطية بمكتبة جامعة قاريونس ومركز جهاد الليبيين للدراسات التاريخية : دراسة تحليلية
مقال في مجلة علمية

تتناول هذه الدراسة بالتحليل مخطوطات المصاحف بمكتبة جامعة بنغازي (قاريونس سابقا) ومكتبة المركز الليبي للمحفوظات والدراسات التاريخية (مركز جهاد الليبيين للدراسات التاريخية) حيث تنصب الدراسة في تحديد الاتجاهات العددية وتحديد مجموع المصتحف المخطوطة في كلا المؤسستين المستهدفتين بالدراسة ثم عرض لأبرز الملامح المادية للمخطوطات موضوع الدراسة من حيث اتجاهاتها الاخرى النوعية والشكلية وأنواع الخطوط التي كتبت بها ثم مقاساتها وأحجامها وعدد صفحاتها إضافة إلى النساخ الذين تولوا نسخها عبر الحقب التاريخية المختلفة وكذلك دراسة للوقفيات التي تحتويها وأسماء من قاموا بوقفها وتاريخ الوقف أيضا الزخارف والتحليات ومظاهر التزيين في تلك المصاحف المخطوطة

عاشور محمد الشيخي، (07-2007)، بنغازي: جامعة بنغازي، 28 (28)، 1-21

المسؤلية التأديبية للموظف العام دراسة مقارنة

التأديب في الوظيفة العامة والضمانات المقررة له دراسة مقارنة في القانون الليبي والمغربي

مفتاح اغنية محمد اغنية، (07-2007)، طرابلس: مكتبة طرابلس العلمية العالمية،

Leukocytes in diabetic retinopathy
Journal Article

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common diabetic complications, and is a major cause of new blindness in the working-age population of developed countries. Progression of vascular abnormalities, including the selective loss of pericytes, formation of acellular capillaries, thickening of the basement membrane, and increased vascular permeability characterizes early nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Capillary occlusion, as shown on fluorescein angiograms, is also one of the earliest clinically recognizable lesion of NPDR. In response to capillary non-perfusion, there is dilation of neighbouring capillaries, leading to early blood-retinal barrier breakdown, capillary non-perfusion, and endothelial cell injury and death. The resulting ischemia leads to increased production of growth factors, and the development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), which is characterized by growth of new vessels and potential severe and irreversible visual loss. The exact pathogenic mechanism by which capillary non-perfusion occurs is still unclear but growing evidence now suggests that increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and entrapment (retinal leukostasis) in retinal capillaries is an early event associated with areas of vascular non-perfusion and the development of diabetic retinopathy. The leukocytes in diabetic patients are less deformable more activated, and demonstrate increased adhesion to the vascular endothelium. This review summarizes the current literature on the role of leukocytes in the pathogenesis of capillary occlusion, and discusses the potential of leukostasis as a new promising target in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.

Bahaedin Mustafa Ramadan Ben Mahmud, Rakesh Chibber, Eva M Kohner, Surina Chibber, (02-2007), UAE: Curr Diabetes Rev, 3 (1), 3-14

Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel rods produced by Zliten steel factory
Journal Article

In this article an investigation was conducted to evaluate the level of conformity of reinforcing steel rods produced from recycled scraps by Zliten Steel Factory (ZSF) with relevant to Libyan specifications and international standards. A series of experimental tests were conducted to find ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength (YS), and hardness. Bending test has been conducted too. Reinforcing steel rods samples of 12 and 14 mm diameter were subjected to mechanical properties investigations. The tests were carried out for samples selected randomly through three batches at different time. Obtained results were compared with Libyan specifications (LNS-75) and ASTM standard (A-615). Results showed that the locally produced reinforcing steel were conform with the Libyan and international standards in terms of yield stress, ultimate tensile stress, and hardness.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (01-2007), Materials Science and Materials Engineering: Elsevier, 1 (8), 1-6

Islam and Sustainable Development
Conference paper

Sustainable development is not a new concept to Islam, sustainable

development principles have existed for centuries in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith.

However, sustainable development concept may have been recently adopted for

government and civic society in Islamic world. The Islamic perspective embraces that

everything on earth is created for humanity and God's award to people. Islam allows the

consumption of the natural environment without involving unnecessary destruction. Shariah

views that human activities should support environment, and protection of people’s rights,

and needs ensuring that human activities do not compromise the essentials of social,

economic and natural systems either now or in the future. The aim of this study is to

discover the application of Islam in sustainable development debate. Sustainable

development in the context of Islamic concept is taken as an opportunity to refresh the

relationship between human being and environment. This paper is focusing on literature


Hamida Milad Ahmed Aburounia, Hamida Milad Ahmed Aburounia, Martin Sexton, (10-2006), UK: Salford University, 757-764