المصاحف الخطية بمكتبة جامعة قاريونس ومركز جهاد الليبيين للدراسات التاريخية : دراسة تحليلية
مقال في مجلة علمية

تتناول هذه الدراسة بالتحليل مخطوطات المصاحف بمكتبة جامعة بنغازي (قاريونس سابقا) ومكتبة المركز الليبي للمحفوظات والدراسات التاريخية (مركز جهاد الليبيين للدراسات التاريخية) حيث تنصب الدراسة في تحديد الاتجاهات العددية وتحديد مجموع المصتحف المخطوطة في كلا المؤسستين المستهدفتين بالدراسة ثم عرض لأبرز الملامح المادية للمخطوطات موضوع الدراسة من حيث اتجاهاتها الاخرى النوعية والشكلية وأنواع الخطوط التي كتبت بها ثم مقاساتها وأحجامها وعدد صفحاتها إضافة إلى النساخ الذين تولوا نسخها عبر الحقب التاريخية المختلفة وكذلك دراسة للوقفيات التي تحتويها وأسماء من قاموا بوقفها وتاريخ الوقف أيضا الزخارف والتحليات ومظاهر التزيين في تلك المصاحف المخطوطة

عاشور محمد الشيخي، (07-2007)، بنغازي: جامعة بنغازي، 28 (28)، 1-21

المسؤلية التأديبية للموظف العام دراسة مقارنة

التأديب في الوظيفة العامة والضمانات المقررة له دراسة مقارنة في القانون الليبي والمغربي

مفتاح اغنية محمد اغنية، (07-2007)، طرابلس: مكتبة طرابلس العلمية العالمية،

Islam and Sustainable Development
Conference paper

Sustainable development is not a new concept to Islam, sustainable

development principles have existed for centuries in the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith.

However, sustainable development concept may have been recently adopted for

government and civic society in Islamic world. The Islamic perspective embraces that

everything on earth is created for humanity and God's award to people. Islam allows the

consumption of the natural environment without involving unnecessary destruction. Shariah

views that human activities should support environment, and protection of people’s rights,

and needs ensuring that human activities do not compromise the essentials of social,

economic and natural systems either now or in the future. The aim of this study is to

discover the application of Islam in sustainable development debate. Sustainable

development in the context of Islamic concept is taken as an opportunity to refresh the

relationship between human being and environment. This paper is focusing on literature


Hamida Milad Ahmed Aburounia, Hamida Milad Ahmed Aburounia, Martin Sexton, (10-2006), UK: Salford University, 757-764

The impact of organisational culture innovation on the adoption of IS/IT: the case of Libya
Conference paper


This study sets out to explore the impact of organisational culture innovation on the adoption of information systems (IS) in Libya's oil and banking sectors.


Using a structured survey questionnaire based on Cameron and Quinn's Organisational Culture Assessments Instrument (OCAI), 400 questionnaires were administered to middle and top management employees in more than 15 government and public organisations in Libya's oil and banking sectors.


The findings showed that there is a relationship between organisational culture innovations and the adoption of IS. The findings also showed that there are no differences in the organisational culture type between the two sectors covered in this study.


The findings imply that organisational culture innovations are influenced by other factors, which are worthy of investigation. The future implications of this research are also discussed.

Jamal Mohamed Arbi Hamida Twati, (03-2006), Journal of Enterprise Information Management: Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 17-28

Effect of Geometry on the Crushing Behaviour of Laminated Corrugated Composite Tubes
Journal Article


This paper is devoted to study the effect of corrugation geometry on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy laminated composite tubes. A comprehensive experimental program has been carried out on two geometrically different types of composite tubes subjected to axial compressive loading conditions. A cylindrical composite tube has been fabricated and tested in order to provide a means of comparison with corrugated composite tube. Both are tested under the same condition to establish the effect of corrugation geometry. The results showed that the initial failure was dominated by interfacial failure, while a folded zone grows progressively down in a form of mushrooming failure. The results also showed that radial corrugated composite tube (RCCT) exhibited good energy absorption capability than circular composite tube (CCT).

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (03-2006), Journal of Materials Processing Technology: Elsevier, 3 (172), 394-399

الاستشعار عن بعد المبادئ والتطبيقات

الكتاب يقدم خلاصة للاسس العلمية لتقنية الاستشعار عن بعد واهم تطبيقاتها

عبدالسلام احمد الوحيشي، (11-2005)، دار الرواد طرابلس ليبيا: جامعة ناصر الاممية،

Experimental Study of Hot Inert Gas Ignition of Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture,
Conference paper

Experiments were performed to investigate the diffusion ignition process that occurs when hot inert gas (argon or nitrogen) is injected into the stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture at the test section. Detonation wave initiated by spark plug in the driver section in stoichiometric acetylene-oxygen mixture at P = 0.5 MPa and room temperature, propagates as incident shock wave in the driven section through inert gas after bursting the diaphragm separating the sections. At the end wall of driver section the inert gas is heated behind the reflected shock wave and then injected into the test section with the stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen mixture through the hole 8 mm in diameter. An increase of the initial pressure of the combustible mixture in the test section from 0.2 to 0.6 MPa resulted in decrease of the minimum temperature of injected gas causing ignition from 1650 K to 850 K. At the same time the induction time for ignition process has increased from 190 to 320 s when hot argon was injected. For the injection of hot nitrogen an increase of the initial pressure of the combustible mixture from 0.2 to 0.4 MPa resulted in decrease of the minimum temperature of injected inert gas giving ignition from 1150 K to 850 K, and in increase of the induction time from 170 to 240 s. The results of experiments indicate that ignition occurs when the static enthalpy of injected mass of inert gas exceeds some critical value. The mechanism of ignition process was also studied by schlieren photography.

Mohameed Hameed Ali Elhsnawi, A. Teodorcyzk, (08-2005), uniPi: University of Pisa, 1-8

التصحر فى الجزء الشرقى من سهل الجفارة دراسة بيئية

الكتاب في الاساس رسالة ماجستير بجامعة قاريونس بليبيا تم التوصية بنشرها وتناول مشكلة النصحر بالجزء الشرقى من سهل الجفارة بليبيا من جميع جوانبها من خلال دراسة تطبيقية متكاملة

عبدالسلام احمد الوحيشي، (01-2005)، دار الرواد طرابلس ليبيا: جامعة ناصر الاممية،

A Study of the Hand-Hold Impact on the EM Interaction of a Cellular Handset and a Human
Journal Article

This paper investigates the impact of the hand-hold positions on both antenna performance and the specific absorption rate (SAR) induced in the user’s head. A cellular handset with external antenna operating at GSM-900 frequency is modeled and simulated using a finite difference time-domain (FDTD)-based platform SEMCAD-X. A specific anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) is adopted to simulate the user’s head, whereas a semirealistic CAD-model of three-tissues is designed to simulate the user’s hand. The results show that in case of the handset in hand close to head at different positions; the antenna total efficiency gets reduced to (14.5% - 5.9%) at cheek-position and to (27.5% to 11.8%) at tilt-position. The peak averaged SAR1g values in head close to handset without hand, are 4.67 W/Kg and 2.66 W/Kg at cheek and tilt-position, respectively. Due to the presence of hand, the SAR1g in head gets reduced to (3.67-3.31 W/Kg) at cheek-position and to (1.84-1.64 W/Kg) at tilt-position, depending on the hand-hold position.

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, S. I. Al-Mously, (01-2005), International Journal of Electronics, Circuits and Systems: International Journal of Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2 (2), 91-95

Journal Article

 carbon materials2 through their unique combination of excellent processability and high carbon yield. The enediyne functionality of the monomers undergo a thermal Bergman cycloaromatization reaction that yields reactive naphthalene diradicals which polymerize to form polynapthalene.(Figure 1) The tetrafunctionality of the monomers allows for both a higher processing window due to extensive branching and ultimately the formation of network polymers. The high carbon yield results in less shrinkage of the polymer upon pyrolysis to the glassy carbon state. This allows for the faithful templating of carbon structures from a polymeric precursor.

Hydrogen fuel cell electrodes require several properties for optimum performance. An ideal electrode would have as high a surface area as possible with an uniform dispersion of nano-scale catalyst particles attached to the surface. The electrode must be electrically conductive and have good mass transport for products and reactants. Carbon supported platinum is the best known catalyst for the oxidation of hydrogen at the anode and the reduction of oxygen at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) 3. The material also must have good compatibility with the material used for the proton exchange membrane in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), usually a sulfonated fluoropolymer such as Nafion. We have undertaken a study to prepare a high surface area carbon material through a BODA templating method which can then be functionalized with both well dispersed platinum nanoparticles …

Ibrahim Shaban, Stephen E Creager, Darryl D Desmarteau, Dennis W Smith Jr, (08-2004), USA: Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem, 49 (2), 666-667