العلاقة بين النمط القيادي والالتزام التنظيمي، وصراع الدور وغموضه (دراسة ميدانية في شركة بريد ليبيا)
مقال في مجلة علمية

   هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف العلاقة بين مجموعة من المتغيرات (النمط القيادي والالتزام التنظيمي، وصراع الدور وغموضه. للقادة الإداريين بالشركة محل الدراسة، كما سعت الدراسة إلى التحقق من طبيعة العلاقة بين المتغيرات الثلاثة ومجموعة من المتغيرات الديموغرافية (العمر، المؤهل العلمي، الخبرةالوظيفية، المركز الوظيفي). وقد تمثل مجتمع الدراسة من فئة مدراء الإدارات ورؤساء المكاتب، والوحدات،حيث تم توزيع (90) استبانة المتمثلة في عينة الدراسة، وبذلك تركزت الدراسة على عدد(72) استبانة التي تم استرجاعها من أفراد العينة المستهدفة، وقد أسفرت هذه الدراسة على مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: وجود علاقة سلبية بين صراع الدور وغموض الدور من جهة وبين الالتزام التنظيمي من جهة أخرى،كما وجدت فروق معنوية ذات دلالة معنوية بين الخبرة، والمركز الوظيفي وبين صراع الدور، وأن هناك علاقة بين أسلوب القائد والتزامه التنظيمي، وشعوره بصراع الدور وغموضه، وكذلك وجدت فروق ذات دلالة معنوية بين العمر، والمركز الوظيفي، وأسلوب القائد، وبين العمر والتزام القائد التنظيمي، وبين العمر، والخبرة، والمؤهل العلمي، وشعور القائد بصراع الدور وغموضه. كما أوصت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات من بينها: لغرض أن يكون النمط القيادي فعالاً لايمكن أن يكون هناك مشروعاً من النمط القيادي المتجه نحو العمل وسلوك العلاقات لغرض تحقيق التعاون.

مصطفى عبدالله محمود الفقهي، عبدالسلام مسعود هندر، (06-2015)، جامعة الزيتونة: مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة، -7 (6)، 1-22

الصراعات والحروب الأهلية وأثرها على القارة الأفريقية
مقال في مجلة علمية

لقد شهدت القارة الإفريقية العديد من الصراعات والحروب الأهلية منذ استقلال الدول الأفريقية ، حيث وصلت لأكثر من ثلاثون نزاعاً وحرب داخلية ، نجم عنها نحو نصف ضحايا الحروب على الصعيد العالمي ، ونحو ثمانية ملايين لأجي ونازح ومشرد ، حيث أدت الحدود الموروثة عن الاستعمار إلى تقسيم الجماعات الآثنية بين دولتين أو أكثر ، كما أنها من جهة أخرى أدت ـ وأقصد الحدود ـ إلى وجود جماعات عرقية ذات تاريخ من العداء والصراع داخل حدود إقليمية واحدة ، وهو الأمر الذي شجع على تزايد حدة الصراعات والحروب في كثير من المواقف ، كذلك هناك عدة عوامل تثير النزاعات والصراعات العرقية إن بعض الحكومات كانت تتبع سياسات تفريق بين أبناء الوطن الواحد على أساس الدين أو العرق أو الجنس، وذلك فيما يخص توزيع الثروة وتوزيع الوظائف والمناصب وفرص المشاركة السياسية وملكية الأراضي والهجرة، مما أثر وأعاق الجهود المبذولة لتحقيق السلام والاستقرار لشعوب القارة .        

كمال سالم فرج الشكري، (06-2015)، مجلة جامعة الزيتونة: مجلة جامعة الزيتونة، 16 (4)، 296-306

Germination genes of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Israelensis.

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis is the most important biological insecticide for the control of mosquito vectors of disease. This bacterium produces toxins during sporulation that cause larval death by lysis of cells in their midgut. The pBtoxis plasmid of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis encodes all the mosquitocidal toxins and a number of other coding sequences. The plasmid also carries potential germination genes organised in a single ger operon. Comparison of the germination responses of spores from strains with and without pBtoxis revealed that this plasmid could promote activation of the spores under alkaline conditions but not following heat treatment. Introduction of the ger operon on a recombinant plasmid to the plasmidless strain established this operon as the first with an identified role in alkaline activation.

Mostafa Mohamed Omar Abdoarrahem, (06-2015), Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.,

Moment-rotation characteristic of joints of steel-concrete composite frame under exceptional events
Conference paper

The paper presents studies on experimental investigation of beam-to-column joint behavior in standard and exceptional events situations. This assessment is done to form a picture of the general the behavior of full scale frameworks at both the level of the global behavior of the framework, in terms of its load-displacement characteristic, and of the local behavior of joints in terms of their moment-rotation characteristics, and evaluates details about the interaction of the joint elements and how they work together in a balanced manner, during exceptional events, this study concerns the joints which are subject to the collapse and also includes the behavior of joints in the neighborhood of the collapse. The intricacy of such investigations appear from nonlinear effects associated with the outlook of joint behavior or functioning, such as structural shortcomings, large displacements and rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete materials, the effects between steel and concrete, and slip between concrete and structural steel, through others. The paper addresses these problems using two types of joints flush and extended end-plate with four and eight bolts and provides recommendations and reasoning for the behavioral techniques for the evaluation of joint moment-rotation response when exposed to negative and positive moments together.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (05-2015), Nara, JAPAN: IABSE , JAPAN, 1-6

Moment-Rotation Characteristic of Joints of Steel-Concrete Composite Frame under Exceptional Events 2015
Conference paper

The paper presents studies on experimental investigation of beam-to-column joint behaviour in standard and exceptional events situations. This assessment is done to form a picture of the general the behavior of full scale frameworks at both the level of the global behavior of the framework, in terms of its load-displacement characteristic, and of the local behavior of joints in terms of their moment-rotation characteristics, and evaluates details about the interaction of the joint elements and how they work together in a balanced manner, during exceptional events, this study concerns the joints which are subject to the collapse and also includes the behavior of joints in the neighborhood of the collapse. The intricacy of such investigations appear from nonlinear effects associated with the outlook of joint behavior or functioning, such as structural shortcomings, large displacements and rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete materials, the effects between steel and concrete, and slip between concrete and structural steel, through others. The paper addresses these problems using two types of joints flush and extended end-plate with four and eight bolts and provides recommendations and reasoning for the behavioral techniques for the evaluation of joint moment-rotation response when exposed to negative and positive moments together.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (05-2015), اليابان: جامعة اوساكا اليابان, 504-505

Conference paper


Through the last three decades, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) has been widely used for vegetation mapping and monitoring land-cover change in semi-arid regions. In Libya semi-arid lands occupy many parts in the north part of country that is near the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of paper is to use remote sensing technique (NDVI) for monitoring vegetation degradation in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region in Libya. The Pathfinder AVHRR Land (PAL), SPOT Apparent green cover percentage data and MODIS Vegetation index are used to monitor the vegetation cover change in the study area. The paper explain the possibility of use only long term NOAA-AVHRR NDVI time-series data, without need to any precipitation data, for assessing desertification conditions in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region. According to annual rainfall the northern parts of the area receives the greatest amount of rainfall towards the Mediterranean Sea, which occurs between October and May, it agreed well with the spatial pattern of NDVI within monthly averaged of vegetation that start increasing rapidly and reached a greater amount during spring (March-May), and decreased during June to September...

Abdussalam Ahmed Mohmed Ibrahim, (04-2015), ПРИРОДНЫЕ ОПАСНОСТИ: СВЯЗЬ НАУКИ И ПРАКТИКИ Саранск, 23–25 апреля 2015 года: National Research Mordovian State University., 156-165

Problem Solutions of Phase Ambiguity and Initial Phase Shifts of the Phase Radio Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal Article

This work is a continuation of a design of a phase radio navigation system for aircraft blind landing in case of nonequipped runways proposed in [1], where, the proposed system is based on measuring the phase shifts of signals received from four ground transmitters (antennas), placed on corners of the runway strip, which provide distance measurements accuracy in millimeters. However, there are two important points that need serious consideration. First, the phase measurement is going to give the total phase () ϕ ρ−


0, while the actual phase shift of interest is ‘ϕ’, 0 ρ is the transmitter initial phase. The second problem is that, the measured phase angle () ϕ ρ− 0 between the transmitted and the received signal can only be measured in the interval from 0 to π 2 radians, this problem is called phase ambiguity. The answer of these problems lies in the use of more than one frequency (signal). Two sinusoidal signals with different frequencies (1f and 2f) but the same initial phase can be used. Taking the difference of the measured phases, the initial phase 0 ρ can vanish. To get around phase ambiguity would be to make sure that the actual phase difference 12 ϕ∆ does not exceed π 2, this technique called equivalent or synthetic wavelength.

S Sasi, NA Shashoa, (03-2015), IJISET: IJISET, 2 (3), 10-20

New Radio Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal Article

A new radio navigation system for aircraft blind landing is proposed. This system is based on measuring the phase shifts of signals received from four ground transmitters (antennas), placed on corners of the runway strip. The received signals phase shifts provide distance measurements accuracy in millimetres. The reception of these signals is made on the onboard antenna located on the aircraft. Three ground antennas out of the four will be sufficient for determining the location of the aircraft. As a result of the analysis, the coordinates of the onboard antenna, the coordinates of the centre of mass of the aircraft, and axis coordinate of the aircraft determined with respect to the runway coordinate system.

S Sasi, NA Shashoa, (03-2015), International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication: International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (2), 626-628

Onboard Digital Receiver Architecture and Design of the Phase Radio-Navigation System for Aircraft Blind Landing
Journal Article

This work describes the architecture and design of an onboard digital receiver of the phase radio-navigation system for aircraft blind landing proposed in [1]. The proposed onboard digital receiver is a special case of a multi-channel narrowband digital receiver concept. The purpose of this receiver is to receive eight different RF frequencies (in four pairs) range from 960 MHz to 963.003749941 MHz, carry on them the required analogue and digital signal processing techniques to evaluate their phase shifts and then the difference phase shifts between each pair of them. The phase measurements lead to determination of the location of the aircraft with respect to the touch point on the runway with accuracy in millimetres.

S Sasi, NA Shashoa, SK Yakhlef, (03-2015), IJSRSET: IJSRSET, 1 (3), 18-21

Investigation of enterprise resource planning system (ERP) implementation in Libyan oil service company
Journal Article

This paper presents the findings of the investigation of ERP implementation. It highlights the challenges and experiences of Libyan Companies in ERP implementation. The success factors, failures are analyzed and have proposed recommendations to improve ERP implementation. The adopted research approach covers both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data collection methods used were questionnaires, 75 out of 100 questionnaires were returned sufficiently completed. The paper contributes to discussion based on literature review and ERP implementation in developing economics. The results of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents are aware of what ERP is all about, and they are also aware about critical issues in the implementation of ERP. The findings revealed that: failure to select committees needed for the successful implementation of ERP, an inadequate financial budget and resources, and failure to make knowledgeable input at the planning stage can be problems to successful implementation of ERP. The conclusions suggest for addressing challenges and problems in the ERP implementation. Enough time should be provided to project team, show leadership in change management and sufficient resources should be allocated for the proper implementation of ERP.

Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, (03-2015), International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT): International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), 2 (4), 242-248