الامام مالك وكتابه الموطأ
مقال في مجلة علمية

المرزوقي علي الهادي المرزوقي، (06-2021)، دار الكتاب . الزاوية: دار الزاوية للكتاب، 20 (20)، 152-179

Correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the lithostratigraphic Snake Cave Interval: Implications for hydrocarbon reservoir prospectivity between the southeast Blantyre and northwestern Neckarboo Sub-basins, Darling Basin, southeastern Aus
Journal Article

Correlation and sequence stratigraphic interpretation was conducted on the upper Lower through upper Middle

Devonian sandstones of the Snake Cave Interval succession between the southeast Blantyre and northwestern

Neckarboo sub-basins across the central Darling Basin. This article necessitated the definition and use of many

sedimentary lithotypes related to different facies associations and depositional environment criteria for the

purpose of establishing the sequence stratigraphy to aid hydrocarbon exploration of the studied areas. The data

set used a combination of wireline logs, core/cutting data and analysis of the paleo-environments of sedimentary

facies from three wells. The sedimentological analysis showed that the Snake Cave Interval section presents three

different facies associations, which are visible in both vertical and lateral successions, and are characterised as:

meandering and braided fluvial facies associations with minor fluvio-shallow lacustrine complex facies associations.

The Snake Cave Interval section in the studied areas is consistently defined by six third-order depositional

sequences informally named SCS1, SCS2, SCS3, SCS4, SCS5 and SCS6 in the Nyngynderry-1 and Mount Emu-1

exploration wells, and the Kewell East-1 stratigraphic well. All the stratal patterns in the internal sequence

stratigraphic units are asymmetric and marked by lowstand, transgressive and highstand systems tracts separated

by sequence boundaries, maximum flooding surfaces and transgression surfaces with unique gamma-ray log

response characteristics calibrated by particular lithologic aspects. These are all incorporated within the

sequence stratigraphic approach to hydrocarbon reservoir prediction. The stratigraphic architecture of the thirdorder

depositional sequences presented here in our study has implications for the hydrocarbon potential of

sandstone reservoirs in the southeastern Darling Basin including the Snake Cave Interval succession targets.

Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (06-2021), Marine and Petroleum Geology: Elsevier, 1 (1), 1-1

A comparison of Pattern Recognition Approaches for Recognizing Handwriting in Arabic Letters
Conference paper

For Arabic letters recognition, we achieve three of pattern recognition approaches namely gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), local binary pattern recognition (LBP) and artificial neural network (ANN) and compare between them to result best performance. Two of these methods level co-occurrence matrix and local binary pattern recognition are used for feature extraction whereas in artificial neural network (ANN) we use the intensity values of pixels for input of the neural network. Two classifiers are used, the K-Nearest Neighbor classifier (KNN) for the LBP, GLCM and neural network classifier for (ANN) artificial neural network. Also, we evaluate the results by using leave one person out approach, fold classification and leave one out.

Jomah, O.S.M, (05-2021), online: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 818-824

Measurement System and its Suitability for Examining Indoor Millimeter Wave Propagation at (28–33GHz)
Conference paper

The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of system measurements on indoor radio wave propagation at (28–33GHz) which might be used by 5G communication.

Ahmed Ben Alabish, Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4

DKED modelling of Human body blockage of 5G system link at 32 GHz
Conference paper

This paper is the continuation of a research carried out by Alabish et.al, which depicts the scattering objects effects on a blocked indoor wireless 5G link by a human body using a simple approach. Some measurement were made on the scattering effects due to having an object close to the link in this case it is a human body. In this paper, more measurements were conducted at 32 GHz. The double knife-edge diffraction (DKED) model was used in order to foresee the attenuation due to human body. To test the prediction precision of the model, simulation was then compared with measurements. The obtained results indicate that the assumed simple models for the indoor links performed well.

Ahmed Hassen ELjeealy Ben Alabish, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4

Characterizing the effects of human body blockage and scattering objects for 31and 33 GHz indoor 5G link
Conference paper

This paper is concerned with studying the effects of human body blockage as well as surrounding objects scattering effects for an indoor 31 and 33 GHz link utilizing the Double Knife Edge Diffraction (DKED) model for diffraction effect on received signal.

Ahmed Hassen ELjeealy Ben Alabish, (05-2021), IEEEAccess: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 1-4

Correlation between Relative Grain Yield of Two Local Wheat Genotypes and phosphorus soil test
Journal Article

Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the correlation relationship between the yield of two localized wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum,) Acsad 901 and Salamboo and Olsen phosphorus soil test (0.5 M of NaHCO3 at pH 8.5) values. The experimental site was run at west sector of Libya. The experimental site pH was 8.4 and the texture is sandy The experiment consisted of three replicates and three phosphate fertilizer rates which equivalent, (0, 60, and 120) kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The results of grain yield of the experiment were expressed by relative values (Relative Yield). The relative yield (RY) illustrated the relationship between soil test values and the grain yield clearly. Very close correlation relationship (r = 0.98 ) between relative yield of grain and the soil test values of Salamboo was found whereas Acsad genotypes was achieved less correlation( r =0.69) at 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 for both genotypes. The similarity between the two genotypes was very close (r = 0.99 ) for treatments that received high phosphate rate.

Mohammed Abdulbari Mohammed Billaed, (04-2021), طرابلس: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 25 (25), 1-8

دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في الحد من الإشاعة
مقال في مجلة علمية

الإشاعة ظاهرة قديمة ومستمرة تظهر على هيئة خبر أو قضية متعددة الجوانب صعب التحكم فيها والتخلص منها ، تتم وفق لتفاعل اجتماعي بين الأفراد ، وإن عناصرها تتمثل في المرسل والرسالة والإداة ثم الجمهور وتأخذ شكل دائري يبدأ بالولادة فالانتشار ثم الاندثار والظهور مرة أخرى ، الامر الذي دفع إلى هذا البحث يهدف من خلاله التعرف على الإشاعة وأنواعها وعواملها ومراحلها ، والوقوف على دور الخدمة الاجتماعية حيالها ، تم قسم البحث إلى محورين الأول يتعلق بالإشاعة وأركانها وخصائصها وعوامل ظهورها وانتشارها ومراحلها و؟انواعها ، والثاني ركز على دور الخدمة الاجتماعية تجاه الإشاعة ، متوصلا إلى عدد من النتائج منها الإشاعة تتم من خلال التفاعل بين الأفراد وهى تظهر نتيجة للغموض اما ان تكون زاحفة أو عدوانية أو فردية أو جماعية أو دولية ، ويكمن دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في الحد منها من خلال توعية الأفراد وترشيد الجهات المسؤولة لكيفية مواجهتها .

ابوعجيلة المبروك علي المدنيني، سالمة إبراهيم الطبيب، (04-2021)، الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التربية: مجلة القرطاس، 13 (13)، 187-200

Extended Three-Stage Recursive Least Squares Identification Algorithm for multiple-input single-output CARARMA Systems
Conference paper

this paper derives extended three-stage recursive identification algorithm of MISO for (CARARMA) systems. Based on The decomposition technique, four subsystems are obtained and the parameters of each subsystem are identified. Some model validation methods are computed to measure the model value and Akaike’s Final Prediction Error Criterion (FPE) is used to verify the selection of system order. The algorithm has a high computational efficiency because the covariance matrices dimensions become small in each subsystem. Finally, this algorithm effectiveness is demonstrated in simulation example.

Nasar Aldian Ambark Mohamed Shashoa, (04-2021), كندا: IEEE- IEMTRONICS 2021 (International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference), 1-6

Modelling Future Temperatures Change in Libya Linking to the Planning of Sustainable Development
Conference paper


In the 21st century, climate change is considered one of the greatest environmental threats to the world, and it has greater negative impacts on human society and the natural environment. All the IPCC's reports concluded that we should prepare scenarios and strategies for under the conditions of forthcoming global change. This study presents the projections of future changes under HadCM3 A2a and HadCM3 B2a SRES scenarios using the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) in the period (2020-2099) and their link to the planning of sustainable development in Libya. Results of downscaling show that the SDSM model can be well acceptable regard its performance. The result of the SDSM model showed great reliability of SDSM in ascertaining changes for the periods; (2020-2039), (2040-2059), (2060-2079) and (2080-2099), relative to 1961–1990. Trend analysis in Libya showed an increase in average annual and monthly temperature, compared to the baseline period for both HadCM3A2a and HadCM3B2a scenarios in both the dry and wet seasons. Thus, there is likely to be a significant warming in local surface temperature, which is enough for a significant change on the energy balance and is likely to affect water availability. The SDSM is well to help decision-makers understand the expectations of the change in extreme temperatures in the future and its environmental and economic impacts and social in Libya.

Keywords: Statistical downscaling model, SDSM, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, General circulation model, GCM, HadCM3 Hadley Climate Model version, Temperature, Libya.

Abdussalam Ahmed Mohmed Ibrahim, (04-2021), Tunis: Maghreb International Conference on Sustainable Development, 120-142