The association between client qualities and design team attributes of green building projects
Journal Article

The construction industry has become more complex due to changes in technology and the greater emphasis placed on satisfying green requirements. The design phase is the most important phase in determining the green performance of building projects. The performance of the design team is crucial. The selection of a design team should be based on a set of criteria. Therefore, a competent design teams is required to have a good understanding of environmental issues. Design teams require a range of competences such as skills of environmental assessments, initiatives and environmental background as the basis for design decisions. In addition, success of building projects greatly depends on the client’s performance. The performance of clients is crucial since decisions made will influence the overall project performance. The quality of clients’ representatives has potential influence on design team performance. In designing green buildings client’s attributes are critical factors to high performance of building projects. The propose of this study to identify the significant associations between variables of design team attributes and client qualities. To achieve mentioned aim a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data required. A sample of 274 respondents has been covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building sectors. Prior to analysis of data WINSTEPS software were used for Rasch modeling to determine validity and reliability of date. Descriptive analysis data includes quantitative and qualitative. The results indicate that the influence of Clients’ Qualities on Design Team 

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, (02-2014), Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN): ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9 (2), 160-172

A Framework for Successful TQM Implementation and Its Effect on the Organizational Sustainability Development
Journal Article

The main purpose of this research is to construct a generic model for successful implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Oil sector, and to find out the effects of this model on the organizational sustainability development (OSD) performance of Libyan oil and gas companies using the structured equation modeling (SEM) approach. The research approach covers both quantitative and qualitative methods. A questionnaire was developed in order to identify the quality factors that are seen by Libyan oil and gas companies to be critical to the success of TQM implementation. Hypotheses were developed to evaluate the impact of TQM implementation on O SD. Data analysis reveals that there is a significant positive effect of the TQM implementation on OSD. 24 quality factors are found to be critical and absolutely essential for successful TQM implementation. The results generated a structure of the TQMSD implementation framework based on the four major road map constructs (Top management commitment, employee involvement and participation, customer-driven processes, and continuous improvement culture).

Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, Mohammad Ahmad, (02-2014), Teesside University: International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 1 (8), 130-138

Conference paper

Aspects related to robustness of steel frameworks with semi-rigid steel and steel-concrete composite joints are dealt with. Experimental investigations were carried out for sub-frames fabricated in technical scale. Pushdown tests for steel subframes simulated the joint ability to transfer the bending moment and axial force under a column loss scenario. Tests on composite sub-frames were arranged in two stages. The first one was related to a service stage when the slab was under a gravity load and the column to be removed supported. The gravity load was sustained in the second stage when a column loss scenario was simulated. Experiments have shown that composite flush end-plate joints may not be robust enough since their low strength under sagging bending, despite of good ductility, does not allow for the redistribution of internal forces in order to achieve the equilibrium in the residual state after static column removal. Contrary, symmetrical steel and composite joints with extended end-plates on both sides of beam flanges seem to be more robust, despite of their lesser ductility. Robust bending behaviour is possible because extended end-plate joints exhibit a better balance between the strength and rotation capacity that allows to achieve the equilibrium state in case of a static column loss event.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (02-2014), ًWarsaw University of Technology: WUT, POLAND, 51-60

Critical stress for cleavage fracture in continuously cooled medium carbon V-microalloyed steel
Journal Article

Cleavage fracture of the medium carbon V-microalloyed steel with structure consisting of acicular ferrite, pearlite and grain

boundary ferrite has been investigated by means of four-point bending of the notched samples at -196°C. It was found that

cleavage fracture initiation has not been related to the coarse second phase particles cracking. Calculated values of the effective

surface energy of 49 J/m2 and critical cleavage fracture stress normalized by yield stress of 1.84 are in agreement with the results

for the steels with ferrite-pearlite and bainite structures.

Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, (01-2014), Procedia Materials Science: Elsevier, 3 (3), 1-6

قياس الرضا عن جودة الخدمات المصرفية من وجهة نظر العاملين - دراسة ميدانية على المصارف التجارية بمدينة تاجوراء
مقال في مجلة علمية

تهدف هذه الدراسة الى التعرف على الفجوة الناتجة عن إدراك العاملين لأبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية، وبين مستوى الأداء الفعلي لتلك الخدمات التي تقدمها المصارف التجارية بمدينة تاجوراء، وأيضا التعرف على درجة رضا العاملين عن جودة الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة للعملاء، وخلصت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج منها، لا توجد اختلافات جوهرية بين أبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية وبين مستوى الأداء الفعلي لمعظم تلك الخدمات التي تقدمها المصارف محل الدراسة، وإن الافراد العاملين بالمصارف التجارية بمدينة تاجوراء والخاضعين لهذه الدراسة عموماً راضون عن مستوى الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة من قبل هذه المصارف.

خالد صالح عبود اسباقة، احمد البشير بنور الشريف، (01-2014)، كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية - جامعة الزيونة: مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة، 5 57-79

Investigating the total quality elements based on Deming management model in oil industry in Libya–an empirical study
Journal Article

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the quality management dimensions, based on Deming Management Model, in Oil industry in Libya. Questionnaire, semi structured interview and open interview were used to collect data from random sample of 42 qualityrelated managers from the Libyan Oil industry. Forty-five questionnaires were provided by hand to quality-related managers from the Libyan Oil companies. A total of 42 were returned sufficiently completed, that gave us a response rate of approximately 93.33%. The regression analysis indicated that these organizations implement total quality management practices. The findings suggest that an integrated approach is required to implement the total quality management practices in order to realize strategic quality objectives. This research is subject to the normal limitations of survey research. The data is based on individual opinion of quality related managers, which may bring in some bias. Further research needs to be done to advance our knowledge and to further support the findings. For instance, a larger sample size and more items per Deming principle may be used in future studies to duplicate these results and to increase the internal consistency of the scales. Deming Management Model is applied to one industry in this study. Therefore, to establish the generalization of the Model within the context of Libya, it needs to be tested in other industries setting, both in public and private sectors. The study extends the applicability of the Deming Management Model to a new industry and country. Collectively, the results of the research provide more understanding of issues relating to quality management in developing countries and a framework for enhancing organizational effectiveness. Therefore, the research can make a useful contribution.

Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, M Munir Ahmad, (01-2014), International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management: Inderscience Publishers Ltd, 2 (13), 142-156

The Application of Heat Transfer Analysis in Condition Monitoring System of Wind Generators
Conference paper

Effective cooling is required in power generation, processing, and distribution to avoid failure that could occur during operations. As heat loads continue to increase, manufacturers of wind turbines are turning to improve the cooling system to remove high intensity heat loads from many active parts particularly in the generator part. Wind generators need an effective cooling system due to the large amount of heat that is released during power production. Many large wind turbines (more than 5MW rated power) particularly offshore wind turbines where the water is available, heat exchangers with water-air cooling system is used, in which the water is utilized to cool the hot air. This type of heat exchangers are desired, since they are more efficient and reliable than the air-air heat exchangers, which are used in small wind turbines. Because of the growing number of failures that occurred in wind turbine generators due to high generator’s temperatures owing to power losses of generator, applying condition monitoring system on wind generators depending on heat transfer analysis through the heat exchangers of wind generators plays an effective role. This helps avoid failures and maintain wind turbines to be protected. In this paper new methodology has been applied by considering the heat transfer and fluid mechanics analysis through a heat exchanger of wind generator, which uses water to air cooling system. Case study based on data collected from actual measurements demonstrates the adequacy of the proposed model. 

KHALED BUBAKER MATOG ABDUSAMAD, (12-2013), Hong Kong, China: IEEE, 1-7

تأثير خصائص الخدمة المقدمة على اقبال العملاء على قنوات الصيرفة الإلكترونية
مقال في مجلة علمية

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة وتحليل تـأثير خـصائص الخدمـة المقدمة على إقبال العملاء على الخدمات ال مصرفية الالكترونية بالمـصارف التجارية الليبية . وتم الاعتماد على أسلوب الاستبانة في جمع بيانات الدراسـة وذلك من خلال توزيع استبانه على عينة الدراسة مـن عمـلاء المـصارف التجارية الليبية، وتم تحليل بيانات الدراسة باستخدام برنامج الحزم الإحصائية Statistical Package for Social Sciences ) الاجتماعيــة للعلــوم SPSS(. حيث تمت الدراسة عن طريق قياس تأثير خصائص الخدمة المتمثلة في الجودة، والملاءمة، والتعقيد، والأمن على الإقبال على استخدام الـصيرفة الإلكترونية، وبينت نتائج الدراسة أن عامل التعقيد كان أهم أسباب عدم إقبال العملاء على القنوات المصرفية الإلكترونية.

أحمد بلقاسم المختار تواتى، (12-2013)، كلية الاقتصاد والتجارة زليتن: مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والسياسية، 2 3-43

[PDF] from The Influence of Project Characteristics on Green Design Performance of Building Projects
Journal Article

The building projects are differentiated, each building project is unique in terms of size, the level of complexity, procurement systems required. The characteristics of building projects could have major influence on overall project performance. Building projects that incorporate green designs, which are complicated to understand or manage adequately and are more complex compared with typical building projects. Therefore, To achieve high-green design performance, understand crucial characteristics of building projects that may have affect performance level of green design is required. The propose of this study to identify key project characteristics of building projects influencing green design performance. To achieve mentioned aim a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect dada required. A sample of 274 respondents has been covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building sectors. Prior to analysis of data WINSTEPS software were used to determine validity and reliability of date. Descriptive analysis data includes quantitative and qualitative. The results revealed that the Project Size can influence the Green Design Performance. The type of Building and size of the project are the key factors influencing Green Design Performance. The Availability of Design Information was moderate. The Reused and Recycled Materials were hard to find, while Regional Materials were available in the market.

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, (12-2013), International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT): IJERTV2IS120239, 2 (12), 1-11

أهمية دعم المشروعات الصغرى لضمان نجاح التنمية برامج التنمية المكانية المستدامة في ليبيا
عمل غير منشور

يعتبر قطاع المؤسسات الصغرى في ليبيا صغيرا نسبيا وغير متطور مقارنة بدول أخرى من ذوات الدخل المتوسط نظرا للمساهمة الكبيرة جدا للدولة في قطاع النفط والغاز والمعتمدة على مساهمة القطاع العام بشكل رئيسي في النشطة اإلنتاجية بالرغم من تشجيع الدولة للقطاع الخاص فى االستثمار في مشاريع تجارية من خالل التشاركيات لقد تركزت المؤسسات الصغرى بشكل رئيسي ولما تزل في الخدمات ذات اإلنتاجية المتدنية وتجارة التجزئة وأعمال إنشاءات صغيرة وتفتقر إلى القدرة اإلنتاجية والتطور لتنافس في األسواق الوطنية أسواق التصدير وتعد عوائد األجور القيمة المضافة متدنية األمر الذي أدى إلى ازدواجية في االقتصاد حيث هناك دخل مرتفع يقوم على قطاع النفط والغاز يتعايش مع قطاع خاص بدخل وإنتاجية متدنيان، وحاولت هذه الورقة اظهار أهمية المشروعات الصغرى في التنمية المكانية وتحليل العوامل المؤثرة في دعم وتطوير هذه المشروعات وتوصلت إلى أن هناك العديد من نقاط الضعف التي تواجهها المشروعات الصغرى في ليبيا من أهمها ضعف البنية التحتية، عدم وجود مجمعات سكنية بالقرب من مصادر المواد الخام لبعض الصناعات الصغيرة، ضعت اعمال الجهات ذات العلاقة بدعم ورعاية المشروعات الصغرى، نقص وضعف توجه الدولة لتشجيع المشروعات الصغرى وبرامج الريادة فيها.

أحمد بلقاسم المختار تواتى، علي عبد السلام ناضف، (11-2013)، مجلس خبراء سوق الجمعة: جامعة طرابلس،