نوعية وجودة المياه المنتجة من محطات تحلية مياه البحر في مناطق زوارة والزاوية وزليتن
مقال في مجلة علميةتمت دراسة بعض المتغيرات الفيزيائية والکيميائية في ھذا البحث لثلاث محطات تحلية المياه في مدينة زوارة والزاوية وزليتن والمحطات الثلاثة تشتغل بالطرق الحرارية، وتم أخذ العينات من المياه الداخلة (المصدر) لوحدات التحلية والخارجة منھا (المياه الخارجة). قد للماء ھي ضمن (pH) تمت الدراسة ابتداء من شھر نوفمبر ٢٠١٤ م وحتى شھر يناير ٢٠١٥ م، وأوضحت النتائج أن قيم الأس الھيدروجيني المسموح بھا في المياه الصالحة للشرب ونسب الأملاح الذائبة الکلية توافقت مع قيم التوصيل الکھربائي المقاس وکانت کمية الأملاح الذائبة الکلية أقل قليلاً من الحد الأدنى المسجل في المواصفات القياسية الدولية للمياه الصالحة للشرب، وکان ترکيزھا في محطة زليتن ھي الأقل مقارنة بمحطة زوارة التي سجلت أعلى قيم لترکيز الأملاح الذائبة الکلية في شھر ديسمبر ٢٠١٤ م، وأظھرت نتائج تحليل الأيونات الذائبة الکلية ترکيزات أقل قليلاً من القيم المسجلة بالمواصفات الليبية لمياه الشرب وعلى ذلک تعتبر المياه الخارجة صالحة للشرب وللخدمات المعيشية والخدمية، أما بالنسبة للتلوث الجرثومي فکانت جميع المياه الخارجة من وحدات التحلية للمحطات الثلاثة خالية من التلوث البکتيري والجرثومي.
خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (01-2015)، Journal of Soil & Water Sciences; Suez Canal University: Journal of Soil & Water Sciences; Suez Canal University، 2 (2015)، 1-8
Seedling Tolerance of Three Eucalyptus Species to a Short-term Flooding Event: Tolerance and Physiological Response
Journal ArticleResearch was conducted at Curtin University (Western Australia) to assess the seedling tolerance of three species Eucalyptus, gomphocephala DC (Myrtaceae) (common name ‘Tuart’), Eucalyptus marginata Sm. (common name ‘Jarrah’) and Corymbia calophylla (Lindl.) K.D. Hill & J. A. S. Johnson (common name ‘Marri’) to soil-induced stressor, namely water loggings (flooding). Flooding treatment was achieved by filling the tubs with water, approximately 1 cm above the soil surface and control treatment had the same method except with drainage holes. Study assessment was attained by statistical change in seedling growth, leaf allocation and leaf physiology after 70 days of seed germination. Tolerance was assessed by measuring changes in seedling growth, leaf allocation and leaf physiology after 70-80 days. C. calophylla was the most tolerant to prolonged waterlogging (80% survival, no difference in transpiration rates); E. marginata was the least tolerant (10% survival, 95% decrease in transpiration rate). E. marginata was the least tolerant to the three soil stresses. E. marginata prefers habitats that are not excessively wet on well-drained soils. C. calophylla was the most tolerant, occurring and tolerating wet, well-drained soils and thus demonstrated better physiological responses of three prominent studied eucalypts to soil-induced stresses provides us with invaluable knowledge for rehabilitating and restoring urban bush land.tolerance to prolong waterlogging. Knowing the seedling growth and
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, S. Aboglila, (01-2015), SCIENCEDOMAIN international: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 6 (6), 644-651
Teaching Vocabulary to Fifth Year pupils in Libyan Primary Schools
Journal ArticleThe paper has evaluated a sample of material which focuses on the teaching of vocabulary in Libyan Primary Schools. The major objective was to examine the underlying organising principles, teaching approaches and the learning processes, and to discover any shortcomings that might hinder the achievement of the intended outcomes. To fulfil this aim, as much information as possible was collected from various resources such as books, theses, study papers, journals and the World Wide Web. The discussion of the topic has covered three main points. They are a review of the relevant literature, analysis and evaluation of the material in question and, finally, suggestions of how this material might be improved. Because it was difficult to assess the material in isolation, reference to other involved factors such as the teacher, the student and the teaching/learning environment was occasionally made
Albashir Ahmed, (12-2014), مجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية / العدد السابع - ديسمبر 2014: Libyan Academy, 7 (1),
A Novel Approach for Interactive Mobile Augmented Reality System
Conference paperMobile augmented reality is growing rapidly because of the growth of smartphones. Due to the portable
nature of smartphones, mobile augmented reality devices have become the most widely deployed consumer
augmented reality display device and show promise for becoming the first commercial success for augmented
reality technologies. The role of the user is identified and forwarded to the respective module. Cognitive
engagement and interactivity are the main two factors of influenced learning where the engagements are focused in
Learnability identification module. When a common, single optical tracking platform is available the reachability
and performance can also be increased without affecting the efficiency, which will be done in AllinoneAR Module.
An integrated framework consisting of three above stated modules is proposed in this paper
The use of CO2 to improve stability and emissions of an IGCC combustor. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo,
Journal ArticleThe use of gas for power generation is likely to increase in the medium term. Also, the introduction of new fuels will ensure a higher generation with lower emissions under continuous operation. These scenarios lead to the conclusion that there will be a considerably more diverse range of fuel supply. However, the use of these new fuels contrasts with recent experiences of global operators who report increasing emissions and difficult combustion dynamics with even moderate variations in their fuel characteristics. Clearly there are significant challenges for fuel flexible gas turbines, particularly emission control, combustor dynamics and flame stability.
Trials using a power derivative gas turbine combustor and a high hydrogen content fuel produced unusual flashback events, in that flashback was induced by either leaning of the fuel mixture by the increase of combustion air, or by a change in composition through the reduction of methane pilot fuel. The introduction of CO2 through the combustors pilot injector prevented flashback from occurring under these circumstances. The resulting reduction of temperature in the combustion zone, indicated by lower burner tip temperatures causes a reduction in the emissions of nitrous oxides, whilst there is minimal effect on the effective turbine inlet temperature, only a 2.3% reduction.
Investigations using a ‘generic’, radial swirl burner and stereo PIV demonstrated how the flashback depended on a combination of flow structure augmentation and changes in mixture burning rate. The injection of methane or CO2 had differing effect on these parameters of the combustion zone, but both produced combinations that facilitated stability.
Hesham Suni Omar Baej, (09-2014), ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition: ASME, 4 (5), 25446-25457
Achieve sustainability through TQM framework
Journal ArticleThis paper presents an analysis of the essential characteristics of the TQM philosophy by comparing the work of five notable authors in the field. A framework is produced which gather the identified TQM enablers under the well-known operations management dimensions of process, business and people. These enablers are linked with sustainable development via balance scorecard type economic and non-economic measures. In order to capture a picture of Libyan Company’s efforts to implement the TQM, a questionnaire survey is designed and implemented. Results of the survey are presented showing the main differentiating factors between the sample companies, and a way of assessing the difference between the theoretical underpinning and the practitioners’ undertakings. Survey results indicate that companies are experiencing much difficulty in translating TQM theory into practice. Only a few companies have successfully adopted a holistic approach to TQM philosophy, and most of these put relatively high emphasis on hard elements compared with soft issues of TQM. However, where companies can realise the economic outputs, non-economic benefits such as workflow management, skills development and team learning are not realised. In addition, overall, non-economic measures have secured low weightings compared with the economic measures. We believe that the framework presented in this paper can help a company to concentrate its TQM implementation efforts in terms of process, system and people management dimensions.
Redha mahmoud Mahamed Elhuni, Mohammad Ahmad, (09-2014), International Journal of Applied Science and Technology: Teesside University, 4 (2), 1-10
المجالس الادارية بولاية طرابلس العرب والاصلاح العثماني .
مقال في مجلة علميةأدرك العثمانيون وبشكل مبكر من عمر الدولة العثمانية ضرورة القيام بحركة إصلاح تستهدف تحديث أجهزة الدولة من النواحي العسكرية والاقتصادية والثقافية من أجل الارتقاء بالمجتمع العثماني في مواجهة التحديات الداخلية والخارجية التي كانت تهدد كيان الدولة الممتدة أطرافها في قارات أسيا وأوروبا وإفريقيا ، بإلاضافة إلى كونها كدولة إسلامية أدت دورا كبير في السياسة الدولية ، وقد تعمق هذا الإحساس خصوصا في منتصف القرن الثامن عشر بعد سلسلة الهزائم التي لحقت بجيوشها في جبهات القتال مع دول روسيا والنمسا وغيرها من الدول الأوروبية ، وفي ظل تزايد التدخل الأجنبي في الشئون الداخلية بدأت الدعوة إلى الإصلاحات تأخذ منحى حقيقياً لكن هذه الإصلاحات لم تظهر بشكل واضح ذات ملامح معروفة إلا من عهدي السلطانيين سليم الثالث (1204هـ-1807م ) ، ومحمود الثاني (1223هـ -1839م) وازدادت وضوحا في التنظيمات الخيرية عام ( 1255هـ- 1856م ) وما صاحبها من لوائح وقرارات تنفيذية امتدت إلى عام (1293هـ/ 1876م ) لتبدأ مرحلة الإصلاح الثالثة والتي عرفت بالحركة الدستورية عامي (1293هـ-1908م) وقد تبنى هذا المشروع الإصلاحي والذي عرف بالتنظيمات نخبة من رجال السياسة العثمانية في الفترة ( 1255ه- 1856م) أمثال الوزراء مصطفي رشيد ( 1215 هـ / 1858 م ) و على باشا ( 1231 هـ / 1871 م ) .
امحمد عطية محمد يحى، (09-2014)، كلية الاداب والعلوم الخمس: مجلة العلوم الانسانية، 9 (2014)، 40-74
• مفهوم السلطة والحرية والعلاقة بينهما برؤية القانون الوضعي والشريعة الإسلامية- مجلة كلية الدعوة الإسلامية، العدد الثامن والعشرين السنة 2014م (صدر 2016) .
مقال في مجلة علميةتبدو أهمية دراسة مفهوم السلطة والحرية من جهة ما تحققه من نتائج على الرقابة القضائية، لهذا يولي فقهاء القانون الدستوري عناية فائقة بهذه المصطلحات وعلاقتها ببعضها البعض لما لها من أثر على العبء الذي يحمله القاضي الإداري في شأن حماية الحقوق والحريات وما على عاتقه أيضا من حماية للصالح العام وهو ما تستهدفه السلطة في كل تصرفاتها خاصة مع تزايد الصراع بينهما وتشابك أثارهما في حياة الفرد من جوانب مختلفة؛ ولهذا تزداد الحاجة إلى تحديد مفاهيمهما وما ترتبه تلك المفاهيم من نتائج نظرية وعملية لكي ينجح القاضي الإداري في إيجاد التوازن بينهما حتى لا يميل لأحدهما على حساب الآخر إرساء لمبدأ العدالة الذي يعد القضاء مسؤولا عن تدعيم أركانه في حياة الجماعة على نحو مستمر حتى يأمن الفرد على حقوقه وتحترم الإدارة حدود سلطاتها.
وحتى يصل القاضي الإداري لتحقيق هذه الغاية يستلزم منه إلماما واسعا بمدلولهما وتداعياتهما وما ترتبه كلتاهما في قانون المجتمع.
وقد جاءت هذه الدراسة مقارنة بالتشريع الإسلامي رغبة منا في الإسهام بجهد متواضع يضاف إلى الجهد الفقهي السابق في شأن دراسة النظريات القانونية في ظل الشريعة الإسلامية باعتبار أن الإسلام يعد أصلا عاما يمتد إلى كل مجالات الحياة.
نعيمة عمر عبدالله الغزير، (09-2014)، مجلة كلية الدعوة الإسلامية،: كلية الدعوة الإسلامية، 28 (1)، 133-177
Utilizing Cooperative Learning for It Graduate Studies
Conference paperThe continuous call on the increase of the quality of teaching put more pressure on academics to
draw on students experiences and propose new approaches for delivering information and increasing the
standards of teaching excellence. There are several generalized approaches to the scholarship of teaching and
learning such as continuous professional development and learning by developing, however cooperative
learning combined with project-based learning can be used in a range of disciplines in graduate studies such
as Information Technology. From our experience in teaching: e-commerce subject and web application
security course we found that such a strategy encourages lecturer to continue improve the curriculum and
delivery process leading to better learning experience for the students. This paper reports on the practical
nature of cooperative learning and how to use it to bridge Teaching and Learning as well as Theory and
Application. Our purpose is to report on cooperative learning in graduate studies using Project-based learning
strategy. It demonstrates the value of student empowerment and leadership in autonomous project groups.
The strategy is designed primarily to increase student engagement and improve the learning process. We
evaluate the success of the strategy by evaluating student attendance and active participation in classroom
discussions, learning outcomes, and student results. The success of the strategy encourages us to incorporate
the project-based approach on more than one course
Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (08-2014), الفلبين: Libyan Academy, 1-5
Hazard Model Reliability Analysis Based on a Wind Generator Condition Monitoring System
Journal ArticleThis paper presents an application of the hazard model reliability analysis on wind generators, based on a condition monitoring system. The hazard model techniques are most widely used in the statistical analysis of the electric machine’s lifetime data. The model can be utilized to perform appropriate maintenance decision-making based on the evaluation of the mean time to failures that occur on the wind generators due to high temperatures. The knowledge of the condition monitoring system is used to estimate the hazard failure, and survival rates, which allows the preventive maintenance approach to be performed accurately. A case study is presented to demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed method based on the condition monitoring data for two wind turbines. Such data are representative in the generator temperatures with respect to the expended operating hours of the selected wind turbines. In this context, the influence of the generator temperatures on the lifetime of the generators can be determined. The results of the study can be used to develop the predetermined maintenance program, which significantly reduces the maintenance and operation costs.
Khaled B. Abdusamad, (08-2014), USA: Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 7 (1), 1934-8975