Current Challenges and Future Perspective: The Influence of Organizational Intelligence on Libyan Oil and Gas Industry
Journal Article

Hadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (01-2011), IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security: IJCSNS, 1 (11), 145-147

Poly (benzoxazine-co-urethane) s: A new concept for phenolic/urethane copolymers via one-pot method
Journal Article

Historically, applications for traditional phenolic resin/polyurethane materials are limited due to the inherently weak thermal stability of urethane-phenolic linkage and slow reaction rate. A novel concept has been developed to produce phenolic resin/polyurethane copolymers ...

Mohamed Saad Saad Baqar, (01-2011), Polymer: Elsevier, 52 (2), 307-317

Effect of neighboring groups on enhancing benzoxazine autocatalytic polymerization

The unique features of polybenzoxazines make them attractive for a wide range of applications. The characteristics of polybenzoxazines such as excellent dimensional stability, lower surface energy, higher Tg, and lower moisture absorption are attributed to the stable intramolecular hydrogen bonding in their network structure. The features make polybenzoxazines excellent candidates for the applications that require near zero shrinkage and high dimensional stability. Polybenzoxazines are formed by the autocatalytic polymerization of benzoxazine monomers. Polybenzoxazines are well known as a new class of thermoset polymers used for high performance applications. They provide the characteristic properties found in phenolic resins, such as high thermal stability, excellent electrical properties, good mechanical properties, and better flame retardancy. Furthermore, they have the advantages …

Mohamed Saad Saad Baqar, (01-2011), Handbook of Benzoxazine Resins: Elsevier, 193-210

English and Arabic Vowels: A comparative study of vowel quality and duration
Journal Article

 This study is a comparison between English and Arabic vowels. First a description and classification of vowels in the two languages is given. Then the two sets of vowels are contrasted to find which vowels are similar and which are not. Finally, the set of similar sounds are analysed acoustically to find out to what extent they are similar. This is done by recording two sets of words containing these vowels and measuring their formants and duration. The findings show that although these sounds are similar in some aspects, Arab learners of English do not replace English vowels with their Arabic counterparts but, instead they try to reach the target sounds even though they are not completely successful in achieving their goal. 

Albashir Ahmed, (12-2010), University Bulletin: Zawia University, 12 (2010), 45-70

Tripolitanian Arabic: An investigation in the phonology of the dialect spoken in the city of Tripoli-Libya
Journal Article

In the introduction of this paper the aims, the subject and its importance are briefly stated. However, the paper consists of two main parts. The first part deals with the segmental phonology of Tripolitanian Arabic and this includes classification of both vowels and consonants and relevant features such allophonic variation, length, geminating and clusters. The second part, on the other hand, deals with the suprasegmental level of the dialect and in which its syllable structure and stress pattern are discussed. In the conclusion, the findings of the research are summarised and some recommendations for further research are given. 

Albashir Ahmed, (12-2010), News Pulletin: Zawia University, 0

Use of biomarker distributions and compound specific isotopes of carbon and hydrogen to delineate hydrocarbon characteristics in the East Sirte Basin (Libya)
Journal Article

Biomarker ratios, together with stable carbon (d13C) and hydrogen (dD) isotopic compositions of individual hydrocarbons have been determined in a suite of crude oils (n = 24) from the East Sirte Basin to delineate their sources and respective thermal maturity. The crude oil samples are divided into two main families (A and B) based on differences in source inputs and thermal maturity. Using source specific parameters including pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph), hopane/sterane, dibenzothiophene/ phenanthrene (DBT/P), Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-Cl8 ratios and the distributions of tricyclic and tetracyclic terpanes, family B oils are ascribed a marine source rock deposited under sub-oxic conditions, while family A oils have a more terrigenous source affinity. This genetic classification is supported by the stable carbon isotopic compositions (d13C) of the n-alkanes. Using biomarker maturity parameters such as the abundance of Pr and Ph relative to n-alkanes and the distribution of sterane and hopane isomers, family A oils are shown to be more thermally mature than family B oils. The contrasting maturity of the two families is supported by differences between the stable hydrogen isotopic compositions (dD) of Pr and Ph and the n-alkanes, as well as the d13C values of n-alkanes in their respective oils. 

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, K. Grice, (08-2010), Elsevier: Organic Geochemistry, 14 (1), 1249-1258

الاتجاهات الفنية في الشعر الليبي الحديث

يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى رفع الظلم والتجني عن الشعر الليبي الحديث ويسعى لإنصاف الشعراء الليبيين كل حسب اتجاهه وقد جاء الكتاب في خمسة فصول تحدث الفصل الأول عن الاتجاه الكلاسيكي والفصل الثاني عن الاتجاه الرومانسي والفصل الثالث عن الاتجاه الواقعي والفصل الرابع عن الاتجاه الرمزي والفصل الخامس عن الاتجاه الوجودي وخُتم بملحق لتراجم الشعراء .

فتحي رمضان خليفة القراضي، (08-2010)، بيروت: جامعة الزاوية،

Design and fabrication of an intelligent irrigation control system
Journal Article

This paper describes the design and fabrication of an intelligent Irrigation control system that allows intelligent control of the water applied to the field at right amounts and times. The system should have the capabilities to measure the water content in the soil so water can be applied as needed. The WATERMARK soil moisture sensor based on the measurement of the soil tension will provide the measurement of the water content. The system measures the soil tension, soil temperature and rain status and records the data in a file for future reference. It will apply water to field if a certain level of soil water tension is reached. This intelligent Irrigation control system is suitable for universities, research centers and farms where a control of the soil water content is required. The system can be used to study the water requirements for crops so irrigation can be scheduled efficiently.

O. S. Jomah, (07-2010), Stevens Point Wisconsin United States: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS), 0 (2), 370-375

Potential Opportunities, Barriers and Enablers to Use E-Learning within Libyan Medical Educational Institutions
Conference paper

An article published in The New York Times on March 20, 2009 gives a very clear message of Libyan citizens: “We don’t need money, we need roads, we need health care, education, and we need an economy”. There are only 13 doctors, 48 nurses, 34 hospital beds per 10,000 people in Libya. Similar to this, ample evidences are available to prove that Libya has a poor healthcare system

Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (07-2010), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-8

An Investigation of Factors Influencing Design Team Attributes in Green Buildings
Journal Article

 Buildings contribute significantly global environmental problems. Better design can minimize these impacts. Design Green Building (DGB) aims to reduce buildings' impact on the environment. However, the green design performance depends on design team attributes. In addition, the Governance System (GS) and Client Quality (CQ) as external factors have influence on Design Team Attributes (DTA) of green building. Approach: To identify mentioned factors questionnaire survey was conducted to collect dada required. A sample of 277 respondents has been covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building sectors. Analysis data includes descriptive and quantitative analysis by using SSPS software version 16 was carried out. A correlation and regression models was established to explore the relationship between identified factors. Results: Architect is most involved one during the design process of green buildings with mean 4.82 followed by mechanical and electrical engineers with mean 4.52 and 4.44 respectively, while structural and civil engineers, interior designers and quantity survivors were 3.71, 3.29 and 2.88 respectively. The most design team attributes were investigated have a significance degree of influence except design team reputation. On the other hand, the other hand, the Governance system and client quality have major influence on these attributes. Conclusion: Involvement and participation of all project stakeholders are required. Design team attributes are the key factors to improve green design performance. Governance system and client quality play major role to enhance design team attributes. Therefore, effective regulations and policies may increase performance of the green Effective design team management device should be applied to implement Design team attributes effectively in order to improve green design team performance. 

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, (07-2010), Science Publications: American Journal of Applied Sciences, 6 (7), 963-973