A Simplified Model for Characterizing the Effects of Scattering Objects and Human Body Blocking Indoor Links at 28 GHzIEEE Access
Journal Article

This paper presents a simple approach to characterize the effects of scattering objects around indoor links at 28 GHz while the link is fully blocked by a human body. The effects of scattering objects nearby the link were studied by conducting measurements with a metallic re ector and the human body.

Ahmed Ben Alabish, (05-2019), IEEEAccess: IEEE, 1109 (29), 1-10

Impact of Some Pollution Sites on the Chemical and Bacterial Properties of the Groundwater in the Tajoura Region of Libya
مقال في مجلة علمية

Abstract: This study Was Carried at the area of Tajura. It covers three places, AL Hamedia, Sidi Khalifa and Industrial Compounded (AL-mojamma Assinay). The Study aimed to investigate the influence of some contaminations which may be produced from wastewater treatment plants in the study area, and from the landfill of the industrial compound. The quality of the ground water of the sites were determined according to the Libyan standard of drinking water No 82 for the year of 2013 and according to the world health organization standard, 1989. To achieve the goals of the study, many chemical and biological analyses were performed on 23 samples of groundwater. The analysis included electric conductivity EC, Total dissolved solids, TDS, pH, some cations and anions Mg2+, Ca2+ , K + , Na+ , Cl- , NO3 - , SO4 - and some heavily and micro elements like Hg, pb, Cu. Total coliform and fecal coliform bacteria were screened. The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) adjusted sodium carbonate were collected as well. The results revealed that according to the Libyan and WHO standard the majority of the groundwater samples were influenced by wastewater, seawater intrusion. The results also showed that most of the wells located in Al Hamedia area were contaminated with coliform bacteria. However, the ground water sample of well No 3 and 7 were under the allowable limits according to the Libyan standard for drinking water 2013. 

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (04-2019)، Alexandria Science Exchange Journal: مجلة الإسکندرية للتبادل العلمي، 2 (40)، 130-140

Post Weld Heat Treatment Qualification of Type 304L Stainless Steel Weld Metal
Conference paper

. The aim of the present paper is focused on post weld heat treatment qualification by

describes the results of an investigation to understand the micro structural changes that taken place in type 304L stainless steel weld deposits as function of temperature / time by showing any presence of re-crystallization and / or strain induced grain boundary migration and the dissolution of any carbide formed at grain boundaries in welding monitored by metallographic examination.

Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, (03-2019), Libya: International Conference on Technical Sciences, 1131-1134

A coupling Method of Regularization and Direct Computation Method for solving Two-dimensional Fredholm Integral Equations
Journal Article

Abstract: In this paper, we will use the combination of Regularization method and Direct computation method, or shortly, Regularization-Direct method for solve two dimension- al linear Fredholm integral equations of first kind, by converting the first kind of equation to the second kind by applying the obtain a solution. A few examples are provided to prove the validity and applicability of this approach. regularization method. Then the Direct compotation method is applying to getting the resulting second kind of equation to 

Ali Abaoub, Asma Embirish, Abejela Shkheam, (03-2019), ليبيا: Journal of Faculties of Education, 13 (3), 98-107

The Environmental Impacts Caused by Transported Water Project to The Tripoli City In libya.
مقال في مجلة علمية

Abstract: This study deals with research on the environmental effects of water transferred to Tripoli City, Libya, on economic activity, especially agricultural production, as well as, the side project of urban, industrial and service side of the area compared to areas that do not suffer from water scarcity in Libya This done by relying on reports and official statistics issued by the competent authorities in Libya and analysis of that information statistically as in this study the use of available information on the study area through the distribution of a questionnaire relating to the urban side forms and 125 questionnaires were contained many questions that serve this study. The number of 50 was distributed questionnaires to the owners of the farms in the study area that serve this study in terms of the environmental aspect. As well as, the distribution 25 were distributed to 25 industrial and service sites concerning the study of the industrial and service sides. The analysis of these questionnaires using some descriptive statistics methods and of the standard deviation frequencies and percentages to display the data that reflect the personal variables of the items of the sample, as well as some of the methods and statistical tests and other deductive, were also statistically significant study data processing through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS- Statistical Package for Social Sciences), where it shows that the lack of water in the study area has led to a decrease in productivity of agricultural land, and weak returns economic them, also forced people in this region to compensate for the acute water shortage in the daily water their needs secured by through the purchase of water large amounts of money to weigh their shoulders and brought in from other far places by portable tanks on trucks, which cost the citizen additional expenses directly from the annual limited income, and also cause them in other, indirect costs as a result of the need for storage that amount of water transferred, In addition, the failure to ensure borne water quality and may result in health problems for the population, which confirms that the severe shortage and water scarcity afflicting the study area throught environmental, social and economic concerns. 

خيري محمد ميلاد العماري، (03-2019)، Alexandria Science Exchange Journal: Alexandria Science Exchange Journal، 40 (2)، 104-122

Biomarker Ratios and Stablecarbon Isotopes to Describe Crude Oils Characteristics in the Murzuq Basin (Libya)
Journal Article

This present paper includes a detailed evaluation of specific biomarkers together with stable carbon isotope (δ13C) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and Gas Chromatograph– Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC–IR–MS). Eight crude oil samples were collected from the A, B, H (east) and H (west) Fields, located in the Murzuq Basin, Libya. Stable Carbon isotope data (δ13C) together with biomarker ratios data of individual hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpenes, hopanes, steranes and aromatic have been determined in crude oils to delineate their bacterial degradation, source facies, organic matter precursors, depositional conditions and a variation of maturation. Based on source-specific parameters including n-C19 alkane, % C27S, %C28S, %C29S, %C23TT, %C30αβ, %rC28, DBT/P, CPI, Pr/Ph, Ts/Tm, dh 30/h 30, 1 MN, 2 MN, 26-27 DMN, 15 DMN, 236 TMN, 146-135 TMN, 125 TMN, 136 TMN ratios and δ13C‰ of saturates and aromatics fractions. Such oils showed non-biodegradation, n-C19 peak proved oils generated from a Lower Palaeozoic source rocks as emphasizedvian-C19 peak, the dominance of C29steranes

over C27 and C28 with light Carbon isotope ratio (δ13C‰) values. The abundances of isosterane C29, C27, C28.Tricyclohexaprenol and bacteriohopane polyols and aminopolyols, recommended as mixture bioprecursors of tricyclic terpenes and hopanes, furthermore regular sterane ratio gives values characteristic of Lower Palaeozoic marine source rocks and holding green algae and most likely a quantity of contribution from acritarchs. Carbon preference indices (CPIs)>0.9 pointed to an anoxic deposition, dibenzothiophene to phenanthrene (DBT/Prange 0.49 - 0.58) recommend a siliciclastic source rather than carbonate and/or evaporate saline deposition. The ratios of CPIs, pristane/n-C17 and phytane/n-C18, n-alkanes (C16 to C22) against (C23 to C33), Ts/Tm, C30diahopane/C30hopane, methylnaphthalene, dimethyl naphthalene and trimethyl naphthalene indicated that the oils analysed are mature except the B Field oil being slightly less mature than the A, H (east) and H (west) Fields oils

S. Aboglila1*, A. Abdulgader1 , A. Albaghdady1 , O. Hlal1 and E. Farifr1, (03-2019), Advances in Research: Advances in Research, 18 (3), 1-12

التمويل بالمشاركة وأثرها على الاداء المالي للمصارف الاسلامية ( دراسة حالة بنك فيصل السوداني )
مقال في مجلة علمية

هدفت الدراسة الي بيان أثر التمويل بالمشاركة على الاداء المالي للمصارف الاسلامية؛ حيث طبقت هذه الدراسة على بنك فيصل الاسلامس السوداني خلال الفترة الزمنية (2009-2019).

حيث توصلت الدراسة لعدة نتائج من اهمها انه يوجد أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية للتمويل بالمشاركة على نسب السيولة وكذلك على نسب الربحية في بنك فيصل الاسلامي السوداني ووجود اثر ذو دلالة إحصائية للتمويل بالمشاركة على رلحية السهم العادي.

سمير حسين موسي، شرف الدين خليل البي، (03-2019)، طرابلس /ليبيا: دراسات محاسبية، 3 (3)، 265-296

الخصائص المعمارية والمناخية للفناء الداخلي في العمارة السكنية لمدينة طرابلس القديمة
مقال في مجلة علمية

منى عبدالسلام سالم الشامس، حامد شعبان القبلاوي، رمضان ابو عجيلة أبو سريويل، (03-2019)، جامعة مصراتة: مجلة كلية الفنون والاعلام، 3 (1)، 245-280

صورة الاسلام في الاعلام الغربي
Journal Article


الإعلام هذه الكلمة لم تنشأ في محيط عربيّ ، بل هي من أصل غربيّ ، وهي مشتقة من الفعل أعلم ومرادفه أخبر وأنبأ ، وكل هـــذه الأفعال ترمي إلى تقديم معلومة ، فالأعلام الغربي عامة والأمريكي خاصة امتد إلى مناطق متعددة من العالم يحمل زخارف الحضارة الغربية من الأمازون إلى التبت إلى الهنود الحمر فهناك ما يزيد عن الخمسمائة قمر صناعي ثبت برامج الحداثة 

Almarzouqi Ali AlHadi Almarzouqi, (03-2019), جامعة الزاوية: مجلة كليات التربية, 7 (7), 14-34

الحق في الاضراب بين الاعتراف الدستوري والتقييد القانوني
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

حق في الاضراب الوظيفي بين الاعتراف الدستوري والتقييد القانوني من حيث الاباحة والحظر

مفتاح اغنية محمد اغنية، (02-2019)، الزاوية: مجلة العلوم القانونية والشرعية كلية القانون جامعة الزاوية، 29-66