Accuracy and Cost Computation of the EM Coupling of a Cellular Handset and a Human Due to Artifact Rotation
Conference paper

This paper investigates both the computation accuracy (based on the power balance error) and the cost in terms of the number of FDTD-grid cells due to the artifact rotation for a cellular handset close to the user’s head. Two study cases are simulated to assess the EM coupling of a cellular handset and a MRI-based human head model at 900 MHz; firstly, both handset and head CAD models are aligned to the FDTD-grid, secondly, handset close to a rotated head in compliance with IEEE-1528 standard. A FDTD-based platform, SEMCAD-X, is used; where conventional and interactive gridder approaches are implemented to achieve the simulations. The results show that owing to the artifact rotation, the computation error may increase up to 30%, whereas, the required number of grid cells may increase up to 25%

مرعي محمد المبروك أبوستة, S. I. Al-Mously, (11-2008), SEBRIA: TELFOR2008, 484-487

السلطة والمفاهيم المتصلة بها
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

لقد شغل مفهوم السلطة عدداً كبيراً من الباحثين في مختلف فروع العلوم الاجتماعية والسلوكية لصلته الوثيقة بتلك العلوم وارتباطه بفروع المعرفة العلمية التي تداخل فيها هذا المفهوم حتى غدا كثيراً من المهتمين لا يميّزون بين هذا المفهوم وغيره من المفاهيم المرتبطة به, وقد ثار الجدل والخلاف بين التخصصات العلمية في تحديد دقة مفهوم السلطة, ونظر كل تخصص من جانبه إلى زاوية معينة يختص بها هذا العلم أو ذاك, وثارت حوله التعريفات المتعددة التي تأثرت بطبيعة التخصصات ذاتها, فعلم السياسة والقانون والاجتماع والنفس باعتبارها فروع لتخصصات مختلفة نظرت إلى مفهوم السلطة من زوايا متعددة, ولذلك تأثر مفهوم السلطة ذاته بمحتوى مفاهيم تلك العلوم, وتأثر تبعاً لها عدد من المتخصصين فيها, وخرج في دلالات مختلفة أبعد معنى السلطة عن مفهومها الحقيقي, وزاح بها نحو مفاهيم أكثر غموضاً والتباساً, أكسبها ضبابية مختلفة, فمنهم من رآها تحتوي على عنصر القوة السلبي الذي يستند إلى طاعة الأمر في أقصى فعله ومداه, ومنهم من رآها بوجه آخر فقلل من أهمية قوة فعل الأمر السلبي ومنحها جانباً أكثر إيجابية لمفهومها الحقيقي, ومنهم من ركز على أهمية الطرف الآخر أو الآخرين ممن هم يقعوا تحت تأثيرها وضمن مجال فعلها, ولكنها بشروط متعددة, فمنحوها شرعية قبولها, وأعطوها حق تفويض الأمر له من جانب الآخر باعتبارها حق مكتسب لا يجوز لأحد إصدار فعلها إلا بموافقتهم وقبولهم شروطها. وهؤلاء هم الأقرب إلى مفهوم السلطة في معناها الحقيقي الذي يراد منه الحق الشرعي المكتسب للطرفين في إصدار فعل الأمر وجهة قبوله لتحقيق أهداف عامة يسعى الكل إليها.

وبهذا فإن مفهوم السلطة الحقيقي – في تقديرنا – قد خرج من دائرة التجاذبات العلمية التي دار حولها الشك, وتضاربت فيها مفاهيم السلطة ومعانيها, وتأثر بها عدد من المتخصصين في العلوم المختلفة, بل إن هذا المفهوم قد جمع في تحليل مضمونه عدد من التخصصات المتشابهة التي اهتمت بمفهوم السلطة في جوانبها المتعددة. فصار هذا المفهوم أكثر دقة لأن قوة السلطة تستمد تأثيرها من قوة الجماعة وليس من قوة الفرد وحده, ولذلك فإن وجودها ارتبط بعلاقة الفرد مع الآخر وليس بعلاقة الفرد بنفسه, فالفرد لا يشعر بالسلطة إلا مع الآخر, فهي صانعة لنفسها ومصنوعة مع غيرها, تظهر ضمن علاقة التفاعل مع الآخر الذي يستجيب لها في إطار إصدار فعل الأمر وقبوله من جهة الآخر, الذي يجعل الآخر لا يحس بأمر السلطة وفعلها, ويجعل المأمور لا يشعر بثقل السلطة وقوتها, بسبب اعترافهما بشرعية العلاقة وخضوع كل منهما لإرادة الآخر والتزامهما بالشروط التي حددها فعل الأمر وقبوله.

لا شك أن مفهوم السلطة بوجه عام يوجد خارج وعي الفرد وشعوره, ولا يتحقق إلا بوجوده مع الآخر أياً كان هذا الآخر فرداً أم جماعة, ويتأثر هذا المفهوم بمكونات العلاقة التي تربطه مع الآخر وبأحقية شرعيتها معه في إطار الأهداف المعلنة التي شملتها تلك العلاقة, وتسعى لتحقيقها بحيث تصبح علاقة السلطة مع الآخر هدفاً في حد ذاتها, وتكون عناصر القوة في صالح الطرفين ومصلحتهما.

مصطفى صالح الجيلاني الازرق، (08-2008)، جامعة قاريونس: جامعة قاريونس، 1-18

Using Remote Sensing Technique (NDVI) for Monitoring Vegetation Degradation in Semi-Arid Lands and its Relationship to Precipitation: Case Study from Libya
Conference paper


Most of Arabic countries are located within the arid and semi-arid zones, which are characterised by the scarcity and the high spatial and temporary variability of rainfall .The influence of rainfall patterns on natural vegetation cover is significant and can be monitored and assessed using NDVI indices derived from remote sensing data. The literature stresses on the wide use of NDVI to study the changes in vegetation cover, because of the sensitivity of vegetation to the Red and Infra-red spectrum. In this paper the SPOT Apparent Green Cover Percentage data and MODIS Vegetation index are used to monitor the vegetation cover change in North western Libya. The aim of this study is to establish the spatial and temporal changes in vegetation cover and their relation to the rainfall pattern. The data and method: The utilized data for research included multi-temporal remotely sensed data (Spot, MODIS, and Landsat ETM), climatic data (ground stations and satellite data) and digital maps (DEM, slope, flow direction and basins). The satellite images were firstly pre-processed. This included the importing of different format images into a standard format of the ERDAS IMAGINE 9.1. Then the dataset were geometrically corrected into the WGS84 latitude/longitude geographic co-ordinate system. The study area was then subseted using a vector file representing the area boundary (AOI). The multibands were stacked to create time series, the NDVI equation was used to convert the DN values into NDVI values. 

Abdussalam Ahmed Mohmed Ibrahim, (07-2008), The 3rd International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments and the 1st Arab Water Forum:, 1-28

The Influence of Societal Culture on the Adoption of Information Systems: The Case of Libya
Journal Article

This study is part of a larger study that explores societal and organizational culture factors that influence the adoption of information systems (IS) in Libya’s Oil and Banking sectors (Twati & Gammack, 2004; 2006). Using a structured survey questionnaire based on the work of Geert Hofstede’s Value Survey Module (VSM 94), 400 questionnaires were administrated to middle and top management employees in more than 15 government and public organizations in the two named industry sectors. The findings showed that there is a direct positive relationship between Hofstede’s (1980) societal culture dimensions and the adoption of IS. The findings also showed that there are no differences in the societal culture dimensions between the two sectors covered in this study. This implies that the adoption of IS is influenced by societal culture and other factors, which are worthy of investigating. The future implications of this research are also discussed

Jamal Mohamed Arbi Hamida Twati, (04-2008), Communications of the IIMA: Communications of the IIMA, 8 (1), 1-16

COSABuilder: an Extensible Tool for Architectural Description,
Conference paper

As software systems grow, their complexity augments dramatically. In consequence their understandability and evolvability are becoming a difficult task, therefore a way to describe the architecture of software systems is becoming a must. The architecture of a software system can be described using either an architecture description language (ADL) or an object-oriented modeling language. In this article, we show how we can build a hybrid model, based on the two approaches, to describe the architecture of software systems. This approach profits from the advantages of the two approaches, i.e. the explicit presentation of functional aspects in object-oriented modeling and the explicit separation of competition (components) from interactions (connectors) in architectural description.

Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (04-2008), دمشق: IEEE, 23-28

A Scalable Mathmatical QoS Model for IPNetworks
Conference paper

Significant challenges has been introduced for IP networks with the advent of new emerging applications, such as VOIP and E-Commerce, that require delivering quality guarantees. However, IP networks were originally designed to support best effort delivery only. Two Quality of Service (QoS) standard models, IntServ, DiffServ have been standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Although these methods guarantee delivery, they have drawbacks such as complexity, restrictions of predefined classes and higher end-to-end delay. In this paper, a new QoS mathematical model has been proposed. This model is based on the principles of Network Calculus in which an incoming traffic flow is regulated by an arrival curve that upper bounds its rate. Then, this traffic flow is lower bounded and delayed by a service latency time at each node on its way to the destination node. The worst case end-to-end delay is derived and illustrated by a numerical example. The proposed model has achieved acceptable end-to-end delay compared with the other models.

Abobaker Mohamed Abobaker Elhouni, (04-2008), Damascus, Syria: IEEE, 20-26

Quasi-Static axial and lateral crushing of radial corrugated composite tubes.
Journal Article


This paper presents the effect of corrugation geometry on the crushing behavior, energy absorption, failure mechanism, and failure mode of woven roving glass fibre/epoxy laminated composite tube. Experimental investigations were carried out on three geometrical different types of composite tubes subjected to axial and lateral compressive loadings. On the addition to a radial corrugated composite tube, cylindrical composite tube, and corrugated surrounded by cylindrical tube were fabricated and tested under the same condition in order to know the effect of corrugation geometry. The results showed that the loading carrying capability is significantly influenced by corrugation geometry in axial crushing. However, no affect of corrugation geometry was observed for lateral crushing. Load–displacement curve was plotted for all conducted tests, thus clear comparison between different specimen's geometry was achieved. It is also found that radial corrugation could significantly applicable as a stable and effective energy absorber.

Elfetori Faraj Abdewi, (03-2008), Journal of Thin-Walled Structures: Elsevier, 3 (46), 320-332

Numerical simulation and experimental study of a two-stage reciprocating compressor for condition monitoring
Journal Article


A numerical simulation of a two-stage reciprocating compressor has replicated the operations of the compressor under various conditions for the development of diagnostic features for predictive condition monitoring. The simulation involves the development of a mathematical model of five different physical processes: speed–torque characteristics of an induction motorcylinder pressure variation, crankshaft rotational motionflow characteristics through valves and vibration of the valve plates. Modelling both valve leakage and valve spring deterioration has also been achieved. The simulation was implemented in a MATLAB environment for an efficient numerical solution and ease of result presentation. For normal operating conditions, the simulated results are in good agreement with the test results for cylinder pressure waveforms and crankshaft instantaneous angular speed (IAS). It has been found that both the IAS fluctuation and pressure waveform are sensitive detection features for compressor faults such as valve leakage and valve spring deterioration. However, IAS is preferred because of its non-intrusive measurement nature. Further studies using the model and experiments are being undertaken in order to develop fault detection features for compressor driving motors and transmission systems.

Abdelhamid Amar Mansour Naid, (02-2008), Switzerland: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22 (2), 374-389

An experimental investigation of the effect of specimen shape and geometry on the energy absorption of fiberglass composite tubes
Journal Article

The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of the dimensions of composite tubes on their specific energy absorption capacity. Experimental investigations were carried out on three geometrical different cylindrical composite tubes subjected to compressive loading. More over a radial corrugated composite tube was subjected to the same load conditions in order to examine the varying of shape influence on the energy absorption of composite materials. Initial results indicate that for cylindrical tubes, diameter to thickness ratio has a significant effect on the energy absorption. Reduction in tube d/t ratio results in an increase in energy absorption. More over results show also radial corrugated composite tubes exhibit higher total energy absorption than cylindrical composite tubes.

Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (01-2008), Jurnal Fizik Malaysia: INST FIZIK MALAYSIA, 2 (29), 29-34

A Novel Cellular Handset Design for an Enhanced Antenna Performance and a Reduced SAR in the Human Head
Conference paper

This paper presents a novel cellular handset design with a bottom-mounted short loaded-whip antenna. This new handset design is modeled and simulated using a finite difference time-domain (FDTD)-based platform SEMCAD. The proposed handset is based on a current commercially available bar-phone type with a curvature shape, keypad positioned above the screen, and top-mounted antenna. The specific absorption rates (SARs) are determined computationally in the specific anthropomorphic mannequin (SAM) and anatomically correct model of a human head when exposed to the EM-field radiation of the proposed cellular handset and the handset with top-mounted antenna. The two cellular handsets are simulated to operate at both GSM standards, 900 MHz as well as 1800 MHz, having different antenna dimensions and intput power of 0.6 W and 0.125 W, respectively. The proposed human hand holding the two handset models is a semirealistic hand model consists of three tissues: skin, muscle, and bone. The simulations are conducted with handset positions based on the IEEE standard 1528-2003. The results show that the proposed handset has a significant improvement of antenna efficiency when it is hand-held close to head, as compared with the handset of top-mounted antenna. Also, the results show that a significant reduction of the induced SAR in the human head-tissues can be achieved with the proposed handset

Marai Mohamed Elmabrouk ABOUSETTA, S. I. Al-Mously, (01-2008), Hindawi Publishing Corporation: International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 1-10