Combustion oscillations in gas-fired appliances: Eigen-frequencies and stability regimes Applied Acoustic
Journal ArticleAbstract
This paper presents a one-dimensional acoustic model for prediction of the frequencies of
self-excited oscillation and acoustic mode shapes in combustion systems. The impedance of
the combustion system is represented in terms of a frequency response function (FRF).
Impedances of the settling and combustion chambers are predicted by using the acoustic
model, taking into account the temperature distribution in the combustion chamber. Reasonably
good agreement between measured and predicted acoustic resonance frequencies and
mode shapes was achieved. Some data on stability regimes are discussed.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Combustion; Instability; Eigen-frequencies; Prediction; Measurement
2. Elsari M and Cummings, (06-2003), UK: Applied Acoustic, 64 (6), 565-580
Protein kinase C beta2-dependent phosphorylation of core 2 GlcNAc-T promotes leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion: a mechanism underlying capillary occlusion in diabetic retinopathy
Journal ArticleIncreased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion is a key early event in the development of retinopathy and atherogenesis in diabetic patients. We recently reported that raised activity of glycosylating enzyme [beta]1,6 acetylglucosaminyltransferase (core 2 GlcNAc-T) is responsible for increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and capillary occlusion in retinopathy. Here, we demonstrate that elevated glucose increases the activity of core 2 GlcNAc-T and adhesion of human leukocytes to retinal capillary endothelial cells, in a dose-dependent manner, through diabetes-activated serine/threonine protein kinase C beta2 (PKCbeta2)-dependent phosphorylation. This regulatory mechanism, involving phosphorylation of core 2 GlcNAc-T, is also present in polymorphonuclear leukocytes isolated from type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. Inhibition of PKCbeta2 activation with the specific inhibitor, LY379196, attenuated serine phosphorylation of core 2 GlcNAc-T and prevented increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion. Raised activity of core 2 GlcNAc-T was associated with a threefold increase in O-linked glycosylation of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 on the surface of leukocytes of diabetic patients compared with age-matched control subjects. PKCbeta2-dependent phosphorylation of core 2 GlcNAc-T may thus represent a novel regulatory mechanism for activation of this key enzyme in mediating increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and capillary occlusion in diabetic retinopathy.
Bahaedin Mustafa Ramadan Ben Mahmud, Rakesh Chibber, Giovanni E Mann, Eva M Kohner, (06-2003), America: Diabetes, 52 (6), 1519-1527
Axial effective thermal conductivities of packed beds
Journal ArticleAbstract
Experimental investigations have been carried out to measure axial effective thermal conductivities of
packed beds for a number of particles and catalyst pellets. Measurements were made for three gases (air,
nitrogen and carbon dioxide) in beds packed with ball bearings, copper chromite, chromia alumina, alumina
hollow cylinders and alumina spheres. A glass vacuum vessel was employed for most measurements,
but a thin wall stainless steel vessel was used in a few experiments.
Empirical correlations to predict the axial effective thermal conductivity of packed bed reactors have
been derived from the experimental results.
2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Axial thermal conductivities; Packed beds
Elsari M and Hughes R, (12-2002), UK: APPL THERM ENG, 22 (-18), 1969-1980
Validation of Detailed Reaction Mechanism for Simulations of Combustion Systems with Gas Injection
Journal ArticleThis paper concerns the adequacy of existing detailed reaction mechanisms for use in computer simulations of combustion systems with injection of gaseous fuels such as hydrogen, and methane. Shock tube induction time data are compiled from the literature and compared to thermodynamic conditions of gas combustion systems to establish validation limits. Existing detailed reaction mechanisms are then used in constant-volume explosion simulations for validation against the shock tube data. A quantitative measure of mechanism accuracy is obtained from the validation study results, and deficiencies in the experimental data and reaction mechanisms are highlighted.
Mohameed Hameed Ali Elhsnawi, Andrzej TEODORCZYK, (08-2002), Journal of KONES Internal Combustion Engines: Journal of KONES Internal Combustion Engines, 1 (2), 80-91
Cobalt substitution in ETS-10
Journal ArticleThe preparation and characterization of a cobalt substituted ETS-10 titanosilicate are described. X-ray diffraction shows that cobalt incorporation causes an increase in unit cell dimensions. UV–VIS, EPR, Raman and Co K-edge XANES spectra all show that Co2+ occupies tetrahedral sites, substituting for silicon. The 29Si NMR spectra do not permit identification of which silicon sites in ETS-10 are substituted, but the Co K-edge EXAFS shows clearly that Co2+ substitutes at Si(3Si,1Ti) sites.
Abdussalam Nureldean Emhamed Eldewik, A. Eldewik, RF Howe, (11-2001), Elsevier: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 48 (-1), 65-71
Nanosize effects in titania based photocatalyst materials
Journal ArticleA review is given of recent work in the authors' laboratory on the characterization of different forms of nanostructured titania. It is shown that nanocrystalline anatase powders and nanocrystalline anatase thin films differ significantly in their optical properties, due primarily to differences in sintering behaviour on drying. It is argued that the electronic properties of these systems are determined by surface phenomena rather than quantum size effects. The novel titanosilicate zeolite ETS-10 which contains one dimensional “quantum wires” of titania provides an alternative system for studying quantum size effects which has considerable potential for photocatalysis.
A. Eldewik, T Hanley, Y Krisnandi, V Luca, R Howe, (09-2001), Ionics: springer, 7 (7), 319-326
Assessment of a Significant Arabic Corpus
Conference paperThe development of Language Engineering and Information Retrieval applications for Arabic require availability of sizeable, reliable corpora of modern Arabic text. These are not routinely available. This paper describes how we constructed an 18.5 million word corpus from Al-Hayat newspaper text, with articles tagged as belonging to one of 7 domains. We outline the profile of the data and how we assessed its representativeness. The literature suggests that the statistical profile of Arabic text is significantly different from that of English in ways that might affect the applicability of standard techniques. The corpus allowed us to verify a collection of experiments which had, so far, only been conducted on small, manually collected datasets. We draw some comparisons with English and conclude that there is evidence that Arabic data is much sparser than English for the same data size.
Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (08-2001), Tolouse, France: Proceedings of ACL 2001, 71-78
القومية في الشعر الليبي الجديث (خالد زغبية انموذجا)
مقال في مجلة علميةيقصد هذا لبحث إلى رصد النزعة القومية في الشعر الليبي الحديث من خلال تتبع شعر الشاعر خالد زغبية الذي عايش النكبات التي تعرض لها الوطن العربي ولا غرابة في ذلك فشعراء ليبيا تأثروا بما قاساه إخوانهم العرب من ويلات الاستعمار .
فتحي رمضان خليفة القراضي، (06-2001)، مصراتة - ليبيا: الدار الجماهيرية للنشر والتوزيع والإعلان، 7 (2001)، 230-232
شاعرية الرقيعي في ضوء النقد الحديث
كتابكتاب يدور حول شعر شاعر ليبي حديث تتبعت فيه دواوين الشاعر المطبوعة والمخطوطات واخضعتها الدراس في ضوء معايير النقد الأدبي الحديث.
فتحي رمضان خليفة القراضي، (10-2000)، لبنان / بيروت: جامعة الزاوية،
Activity of the Glycosylating Enzyme, Core 2 GlcNAc (1,6) Transferase, Is Higher in Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes From Diabetic Patients Compared With Age-Matched Control Subjects Relevance to Capillary Occlusion in Diabetic Retinopathy
Journal ArticleThe exact mechanism for capillary occlusion in diabetic retinopathy is still unclear, but increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion has been implicated. We examined the possibility that posttranslational modification of surface O-glycans by increased activity of core 2 transferase (UDP-Glc:Galbeta1-3GalNAcalphaRbeta-N-acetylglucoaminyltr ansferase) is responsible for increased adhesion of leukocytes to vascular endothelium in diabetes. The mean activity of core 2 transferase in polymorphonuclear leukocytes isolated from type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients was higher compared with age-matched control subjects (1,638 +/- 91 [n = 42] vs. 249 +/- 35 pmol x h(-1) x mg(-1) protein [n = 24], P = 0.00013; 1,459 +/- 194 [n = 58] vs. 334 +/- 86 [n = 11], P = 0.01). As a group, diabetic patients with retinopathy had significantly higher mean activity of core 2 transferase compared with individuals with no retinopathy. There was a significant association between enzyme activity and severity of retinopathy in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. There was a strong correlation between activity of core 2 transferase and extent of leukocyte adhesion to cultured retinal capillary endothelial cells for diabetic patients but not for age-matched control subjects. Results from transfection experiments using human myelocytic cell line (U937) demonstrated a direct relationship between increased activity of core 2 transferase and increased binding to cultured endothelial cells. There was no relationship between activity of core 2 transferase and HbA(1c) (P = 0.8314), serum advanced glycation end product levels (P = 0.4159), age of the patient (P = 0.7896), and duration of diabetes (P = 0.3307). On the basis that branched O-glycans formed by the action of core 2 transferase participate in leukocyte adhesion, the present data suggest the involvement of this enzyme in increased leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and the pathogenesis of capillary occlusion in diabetic retinopathy.
Bahaedin Mustafa Ramadan Ben Mahmud, Rakesh Chibber, Eva M. Kohner, (10-2000), America: Diabetes, 49 (10), 1724-1730