Journal Article

Hadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (01-2021), مجلة المنتدى األكاديمي: نقابة اعضاء هيئة التدريس الاسمرية, 1 (5), 174-189

معوقات تفعيل سوق الأوراق المالية الليبي
مقال في مجلة علمية

هدفت الدراسة إلى تحديد ومعرفة معوقات تفعيل سوق المال الليبي الذي توقف عن التداول الالكتروني منذ عام 2014 وتركزت الدراسة على تحليل سبعة عوامل تمثل معوقات محتملة أمام تفعيل السوق، والتي شملت سبعة عوامل منها أربعة عوامل خارجية، وهي: ضعف قدرة الشركات لالتزام بشروط السوق، وحالة الاقتصاد، وضعف مشاركة القطاع الخاص، ضعف الجهات ذات العلاقة بدعم السوق. أما العوامل الداخلية فتمثلت في: شروط التسجيل بالسوق، وظروف التشغيل والعمل بالسوق، وكفاءة تسعير الأوراق المالية. وتم جمع بيانات الدراسة العملية بواسطة الاستبانه التي أعدت لهذا الغرض حيث وزعت عدد 80 استبانة على عينة الدراسة التي تكونت من فئات لها علاقة بعمل السوق المالي، وبعد إجراء التحليل اإلحصائي للبيانات توصلت الدراسة إلى أن كل العوامل المدروسة مثلت معوقات أمام تفعيل السوق المالي الليبي.

أحمد بلقاسم المختار تواتى، فؤاد عاشور أبوخريص، (01-2021)، نقابة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعة الأسمرية الإسلامية: مجلة المنتدى الأكاديمي، 1 (5)، 227-264

معوقات تطبيق صيغة الاستصناع الموازي دراسة تطبيقية على مصرف الجمهورية بمنطقة طرابلس
مقال في مجلة علمية

هدفت هذه الورقة البحثية لمعرفة وتحليل العوامل والمحدات التي تحول دون طرح صيغة الاستصناع الموازي بمصرف الجمهورية وفروعه بمدينة طرابلس، واعتمدت الورقة على تحليل خمس عوامل تمثل محدات أمام طرح صيغة الاستصناع الموازي وهي: المحدات القانونية، والمحدات الإدارية، وال محدات الائتمانية والاستثمارية، والمحدات الفنية والتقنية، والمحدات التنفيذية، وتم جمع البيانات المتوفرة باستخدام م أداة الاستبيان الذي تم توزيعه على عينة الدراسة والتي تمثلت في 37 مفردة، وتم تحليل البيانات باستخدام البرنامج الاحصائيSPSS ((، حيث تم اختيار البيانات بمقياس الوسط الحسابي واختبار T ((لعينة مستقلة واحدة بمستوى معنوية ،%5 وتوصلت الدراسة الى أن كل العوامل المدروسة تمثل محدات أمام المصرف في طرح صيغة الاستصناع الموازي، ووفقاً لإجابات عينة الدراسة تبين أن عامل المحدات التنفيذية كان العامل الأكثر تأثيرا،ً ثم عامل المحدات الإدارية، يليه المحدات الائتمانية والاستثمارية، ثم المحدات الفنية والتقنية، وجاءت المحدات القانونية في المرتبة الأخيرة. الكلمات المفتاحية :الاستصناع الموازي، محدات الاستصناع الموازي، مصرف الجمهورية، تمويل المشاريع.

أحمد بلقاسم المختار تواتى، علي عيد السلام البشتي، (01-2021)، كلية الاقتصاد والتجارة جامعة المرقب: مجلة آفاق اقتصادية، 13 (7)، 80-102

المتقاعدون بين التهميش وتفعيل دورهم في المجتمع آفاق الرؤية والعمل
مقال في مجلة علمية

لا شك أن التقاعد ظاهرة عالمية لا يخلو منها إي مجتمع من المجتمعات، غير أنها تختلف قطعاً في نظرتها للمتقاعد، وتختلف في مدى اهتمامها به، وكيفية الاستفادة منه وما الذي ستقدمه له من خدمات. وهو اختلاف راجع لعدد من الأسباب من بينها الحالة الاقتصادية للبلد، ومدى تفهم المسئولين في الدولة لمختلف الحاجات لأعضاء هذه الفئة، فالدول المتقدمة أكثر اهتماماً بالمتقاعدين، وذلك كامتداد لاهتمامها بالإنسان بوجه عام. ثم إن وصول بعض الدول إلى درجة كبيرة من الرخاء الحضاري، يفرض على مثل هذه الدول الاهتمام بشريحة المتقاعدين، بالمقابل فإن حياة الفقر التي تعانيها بعض الدول النامية، تجعل من عملية الاهتمام بالمتقاعدين متطلباً ثانوياً

علي محمد علي الرياني، (01-2021)، مركز الدراسات الاجتماعية: مجلة الدراسات الاجتماعية، 4 (2021)، 30-40

Pearlitic Transformation by Isothermal Decomposition in Titanium and Titanium Free Micro Alloyed Steel
Journal Article

This work is focused on nucleation stages during isothermal austenite decomposition in two medium carbon Vanadium Ti / Ti free micro alloyed steels. Isothermal treatment was carried out in the temperature range 350 to 600οC. Metallographic evaluation using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enabled determination of the nucleation onset phases of isothermally decomposed austenite. Mainly three phases are found to be relevant to this initiation stage of transformation: first is related to grain boundary nucleated ferrite (GBF), second is related to intra-granularly nucleated ferrite (IGF) and the third to pearlite (P). GBF and IGF are divided into the high temperature and the low temperature segments as consequence of either displacive or diffusion nature of transformation. Addition of titanium to V – micro alloyed steel in this work seems to be balanced by a slightly higher C and Mn content, leading to limited effect on nucleation stage of austenite decomposition. The results show that during continuous cooling, onset of pearlite phase can take place. It occurs at temperatures ≥ 500 C°, followed by an incomplete reaction phenomenon. The main characteristics of pearlite is always nucleated on the surface between proeutectoid ferrite and austenite. Incubation time for onset of pearlite decrease with decrease of temperature.

Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, (12-2020), Libya: Libyan Academy, 2 (2), 1-6

Modeling and Control of Car Active Suspension System Using a Neural Network-based Controller and Linear Quadratic Regulator Controller
Conference paper

This paper aims to demonstrate the application of two different control techniques, namely the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and a neural network-based controller to evaluate and control the vibrations that occurred in the car's suspension system. When the car suspension is designed, a quarter car model with 1-DOF is used. A complete control system is needed to provide the desired suspension performance and characteristics such as passenger comfort, road handling, and suspension deflection, this control system performed by using the Matlab software and includes three parts: input signals (actuator force and road profile), Controller, and the suspension system model. The simulation results show a comparison between the uncontrolled suspension system and the suspension system with a neural network-based controller and the active suspension system of the car based on the linear-quadratic regulator, and it is explained thoroughly.

Omer.S. M. Jomah, (12-2020), online: IEEE, 1-6

Vehicle yaw rate control for lane change maneuver using fuzzy PID controller and neural network controller
Conference paper

Vehicle safety and control is attracting attention increasingly in an attempt to improve the stability and manoeuvrability of vehicles. Three degrees of freedom vehicle dynamic model (called planar vehicle model) is established. Based on theories of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, controller of vehicle stability is designed by using the method of direct yaw rate control and the two different control strategies. The controllers were compared under one road condition which is a lane change of manoeuvre. By comparing and analyzing the control effect of fuzzy PID control and neural network based-Controller, the result shows as follows: the two controllers improved the yaw rate to follow the reference yaw rate but, using the fuzzy PID controller gave a better and closer path for the desired path of yaw rate compared to using of the neural network controller.

Jomah, O.S.M, (12-2020), online: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 1-6

The Use of Etiquette by Libyan EFL Postgraduate Students in Writing Formal Email
Journal Article

The role of email is becoming more and more important and email is considered one of the most effective tools of communication and correspondence nowadays. This research paper investigates the use of etiquette by Libyan EFL postgraduate students in writing formal emails. The aim is to shed light on the situation and determine to what extent Libyan EFL postgraduate students adhere to the rules of etiquette in their formal emails. Another aim is to try to find out if there are any problems, they face in this respect in order to find better ways that may help in dealing with them. To fulfill these aims, 39 students were asked to send a formal email to their instructor (the researcher) of subjects of their own choice. However, only 34 emails were received. The results have shown that the majority of the students who have participated in the study are aware of the overall structure and organization of emails written in formal style. However, examining details have shown that students face some problems that are not only related to style, but also to language and culture. It was apparent from the emails investigated that students lack practice and experience in writing formal emails. To overcome these difficulties, teachers are advised to raise their students’ awareness of the importance of using formal emails as a means of communication and to provide them with sufficient practice by regularly using formal email in their correspondence with their teachers. Students also need to be aware of the inter-linguistic and cultural differences; what might be acceptable and favorable in Arabic may lead to miscommunication problems when used in English.

Albashir Ahmed, (12-2020), Sabratha University Scientific Journal: Sabratha University, 2 (4), 1-16

An Introduction to Syntax

This coursebook is designed to satisfy the need for a coursebook that is suitable for the university level. It is a practical book which introduces syntactic concepts in a simple way and which gives a chance to students of syntax to understand these concepts through practice by doing related exercises. It is based on my experience of teaching syntax to university students for several years. 

The sequencing and the grading of material from simple topics to more difficult ones makes it easier to understand and grasp the ideas discussed. For example, Unit One is an introductory unit where syntax as a subject is clarified and where analysis approaches and methods of representations that will be used throughout the book are introduced and explained. Unit Two discusses the internal structure of clauses and phrases. It is only after a thorough understanding of these constituents has been ensured through illustrations and practice that the functions of these constituents are introduced in a separate unit, i.e. Unit three.  

Albashir Ahmed, (12-2020), Tripoli-Libya: Albashir Ahmed,

Writing a Research Proposal

   This book has been written to satisfy the need for a practical guide for MA Libyan students which takes them step by step in the process of writing a research proposal. It is the outcome of years of experience in teaching a ‘proposal writing seminar’ subject to postgraduates in the English department in the University of Zawia. However, we believe it will be useful for all MA students in the Libyan academic institutions who write their proposals in the English language.

    The book is not meant to teach the students the methodology of writing research which is presumably should have been dealt with in a separate subject and which is considered a prerequisite for writing a proposal. Thus, in order for students to benefit much from this book, they should be first acquainted with the terminology, procedure and methodology of writing their research which will facilitate their understanding of the process of writing their proposals. 

Albashir Ahmed, (12-2020), Tripoli-Libya: Albashir Ahmed,