Exploring Newly Discovered Dinosaur Trackways in the Messak Formation, Sebha Region, Southwest Libya
Journal ArticleAbstract: New footprints of theropod dinosaurs were discovered near Sebha city, southwestern Libya. It is the only known dinosaur record from the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous period within the Messak Formation. The dinosaur footprints have been examined, counted, measured, photographed, and described to deduce the type of dinosaur, its size, shape, walking style, potential diet, and, if possible, its social interactions with other individuals. A total of 183 clear dinosaur footprints were found and documented, and at least two main sizes of footprints have been defined, characterized, and categorized into two groups: large footprints and small ones. The examined footprints made by an upright dinosaur stood and walked on its two hind feet on a humid layer composed of clay, silt, and fine sand. These footprints suggest they may belong to the theropod group of dinosaurs. The size of these footprints ranges from 20 to 60 cm, and the most common type is characterized by an angle of 50 to 70 degrees between the outermost digits. The foot size suggests that the trace makers' height at the pelvis ranged from 0.8 to 2.4 m, while the overall length of the creature reached 9 m from head to tail. A close examination of the footprints reveals almost equal distances between each footprint, indicating that the animals were moving with coordinated, normal steps and walking in their typical gait. Consequently, they were not in a state of chase or escape from any potential dangers. Based on the current state of knowledge, we believe there are two possible interpretations regarding the preservation of these footprints. Physical and chemical processes, such as consolidation, cementation, and the formation of a crust of iron oxides, played a crucial role in preserving the dinosaur footprints within fragile sediments primarily composed of silt and mudstone beds, which are covered by thin layers of sandstone.
Keywords: Murzuq Basin, Messak Formation, dinosaur footprints.
Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (08-2024), ليبيا: Libyan Academy, 2 (6), 1-11
Implementing Digital Medical Prescriptions in Libya: A Strategy to Minimize Medical Errors in Hospitals and Pharmacies
Journal ArticleThe Libyan healthcare system faces significant challenges in medication management, with high rates of medication errors posing serious risks to patient safety. Digital transformation, particularly through the adoption of electronic medical prescriptions, offers a promising solution to enhance prescription accuracy, improve patient outcomes, and streamline healthcare processes. This technical paper examines the implementation of digital medical prescriptions in Libya, focusing on the role of health informatics, the validation of prescriptions, and the potential barriers to success. The paper also highlights efforts in Arab and African countries similar to Libya, showcasing best practices and lessons learned.
Keywords: Digital prescriptions, Libya healthcare system, Medication errors, Patient safety, Digital transformation, Prescription practices, Prescription accuracy, Handwritten prescriptions, Prescription software, electronic health record systems (EHRS).
Musa Kh A Faneer, (08-2024), مجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية الاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا: Libyan Academy, 2 (6), 122-132
عشر سنوات من الانقسام الليبي: هل من مقاربة واقعية للمصالحة؟
مقال في مجلة علميةإن عدم معالجة جذور الانقسام السياسي الليبي الذي شارف على إكمال عامه العاشر، أفضى إلى إخفاق كل المساعي والمبادرات الدولية والأممية، وتعطيل أي جهود لتحقيق المصالحة الشاملة. برغم المساعي التي بذلتها المنظمة الأممية وبعثتها الخاصة بالدعم في ليبيا، إلا أنها لم تنجح إلا في زيادة عدد مكونات الأزمة السياسية وعناصرها. وهو ما أثار الشكوك حول جدية البعثة الأممية ومقاربتها للحل، وما إذا كانت تحمل في جعبتها أفكاراً بنّاءة تنهي الأزمة القائمة التي باتت تنتج في كل مرة حكومات متصارعة، لتذهب ليبيا منقسمة على نفسها بين شرق وغرب متناحرين، ممّا جعل عملية المصالحة، متعثرة ولا تتقدم إلى الأمام.
تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد ملامح ممُكنة للخروج من حالة الانقسام والتشرذم، وتقديم مقاربة واقعية وطنية للشروع بمسار المصالحة الحقيقية والعميقة، بما يضمن عودة الأمن والاستقرار المفقود في ليبيا.
الكلمات المفتاحية: الانقسام السياسي، المصالحة الوطنية، العدالة الانتقالية، ليبيا، الأمم المتحدة، التدخل الخارجي
محمد عبدالحفيظ المهدي الشيخ، (08-2024)، بيروت، لبنان: مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، 546 (47)، 138-150
Discontinuity Stress Analysis Of Metallic Pressure Vessel Using FiniteElement Method
Conference paperAbstract
This project investigated the stresses developed in a thick-walled cylinder for rocket motor case
under internal pressure. Stress analysis used the finite element method with ANSYS software for
rocket motor case selection. This study focus on structural elastic analysis of thick-walled pressure
vessels since it is a common design practice to aim at maintaining the induced stresses within the
elastic region. However, pressure vessels operate under complex environments such as high
pressure which may lead to gross plastic deformation and subsequent failure. In process, the
pressure vessel is pressurized beyond the yield point. As a result, the conventional elastic analysis
will not be applicable at internal pressures above the yield point. Therefore, it is important to
examine the structural integrity of a thick-walled pressure vessel in both elastic and plastic state
of the material.
In this study, FE static structural analysis of a presumably untracked thick-walled solid rocket
motor case has been presented, where stress distribution within the motor case wall and the
resulting material deformation were investigated using ANSYS 19.2. Motor case has been designed
with uniform model of the same internal and external diameter, and motor case with diameter
change at both sides is modeled to investigate the effect of the diameter change or shape
discontinuity on the resulting of stresses and deformation using ANSYS program by applying
internal pressure varying from 50 Bars to 350 Bar. Von Mises yield criteria were used by ANSYS
program and calculated Von Mises stresses were compared; the results are close for elastic
analysis. The results show that the Von Mises stresses was high for discontinues shape of motor
case compared by the uniform motor case (constant thickness).
رمضان الشامس سعد وادي, (08-2024), مجلة الاكاديمية لعلوم الاعمال والتطبيقية: مجلة الاكاديمية لعلوم الاعمال والتطبيقية, 1-14
Unpublished Workgreetings, I Hope you are doing well. Professor. Salem Aboglila Head of the Department of Environmental Science School of Basic Sciences Libyan Academy for Postgraduate Studies Tripoli – Libya
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (08-2024), ٍٍِSA: الاكاديمية الليبية,
Testing of mechanical properties of composite materials made of almond shells fiber
Journal ArticleIt has been noted the wide spread of the use of composite materials due to their specific strength that made them the best alternative to many other materials,However, the high cost of synthetic fibers represents an obstacle to the use of composite materials in most applications. Therefore, research has tended to test natural fibers, which are the ideal solution for using composite materials in many industries such as furniture, flooring, decoration, and others. This paper concerned with the study of natural composite materials made of Libyan almond shells. Three different sizes of ground almond shells were studied: large size in the form of grains, medium size, and the small size (powder form). These crushed peels were mixed with the resinous polyester resin in four proportions: ratio of 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, and 20: 80. Three basic tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of the samplesIt has been noted the wide spread of the use of composite materials due to their specific strength that made them the best alternative to many other materials, However, the high cost of synthetic fibers represents an obstacle to the use of composite materials in most applications. Therefore, research has tended to test natural fibers, which are the ideal solution for using composite materials in many industries such as furniture, flooring, decoration, and others. This paper concerned with the study of natural composite materials made of Libyan almond shells. Three different sizes of ground almond shells were studied: large size in the form of grains, medium size, and the small size (powder form). These crushed peels were mixed with the resinous polyester resin in four proportions: ratio of 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, and 20:80. Three basic tests were conducted to investigate the mechanical properties of the samples: impact test, tensile test, and flexural test. The results showed that samples made of almond peels in a powder form exhibits the best results among all other kind of specimens for three mentioned tests of mechanical properties.
Elfetori Faraj Alhadee Abdewi, (08-2024), AIP Conference Proceedings: AIP Publishing, 3135 (1), 25-31
Evaluation the effect of the Reservoir Rock Permeability in the Gas Injection and Optimizing Oil Recovery Factor by Eclipse Software
Journal ArticleThis paper examines on the effect of the reservoir rock permeability on gas injection by using reservoir simulation. This task will be performed by using reservoir simulation software (Eclipse). This injection interacts with CO2 to create conditions favorable for oil recovery. The main target of this project is to investigate the effect of the reservoir rock permeability on gas injection and the optimum injection rate to get the optimum recovery. The problems statement of this study is: As the oil and gas in a formation is produced, the hydrocarbons remaining in the reservoir may become trapped because the pressure in the formation has lessened, making production either slow dramatically or stop altogether. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures. Examples of greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. The result of effect of the reservoir rock permeability on gas injection by using reservoir simulation shows that with the increase in the permeability of reservoir rock, the rate of gas production increases. The greater the permeability of rocks, the rate of water production increases, which is a direct method relationship between water production and permeability. We note after this evaluation that the cumulative oil, water, and gas production increases with the increase in rock permeability.
Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (07-2024), المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 34 (2), 1-27
Applying Precedence Rules in Executing Work for the Purpose of Balancing Assembly Lines Using Electronic Tables
مقال في مجلة علميةThe issue of balancing assembly lines is one of the important activities in production and operations management because of its importance in raising the efficiency and effectiveness of assembly lines, reducing wasted time, and reducing bottlenecks that hinder the flow of production. Among the problems facing production operations is the decrease in line efficiency in addition to the presence of wasted time and the occurrence of accidents. Production bottleneck between workstations, so the goal of this paper was to balance the assembly line by following different precedence rules. A system was designed to re-arrange and balance the assembly line using the Excel program, with the aim of obtaining the best arrangement according to five ways of arranging tasks. The results showed that the priority rule for the weighted site weighing method had the highest efficiency of 88% and the lowest wasted time of 22 minutes.
مادى عبدالله نصر عبدالرحمن، (07-2024)، Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية، 23 (2)، 14-18
Unpublished Workhttps://wavejo.com/editiorial-board-mebers
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (07-2024), Journal of Climate Change and Renewable Energy: Libyan Academy,
Simulating Photovoltaic Emulator Systems for Renewable Energy Analysis
Conference paperThe article discusses exploring the Photovoltaic (PV) emulator for simulating photovoltaic systems for Renewable Energy Analysis (REA) focuses on creating and applying a PV emulator to simulate photovoltaic systems and concludes by emphasizing the value of precise simulation tools in comprehending and enhancing photovoltaic system performance. The first portion of the article emphasizes how renewable energy sources especially solar energy are becoming more and more important in tackling the world's energy problems. As a result, the pv output along with the voltage and current have been presented
Omer.S. M. Jomah, (07-2024), 2024 IEEE 4th International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (MI-STA): IEEE, 4-14