Conference paper

In this paper we study the use of the Brill tagger [5,6,7] for tagging Modern Standard Arabic (henceforth MSA) text. The Brill tagger is a famous public domain part of speech tagger, originally designed for tagging English text by implementing machine learning approach through the method of transformation rules. IT had been adopted for other languages by many researchers [17,19,22]. Some modifications are needed on the learner and tagger that are written partly in perl and partly in C programming languages, and are run under the unix/linux operating system. The main change is done on the initial state tagger, which is used by both learner and tagger. A program is written using the lexical analyzer Lex to capture Arabic morphological structures, and then interfaced with both learner and tagger. The tagset used in this work is a revised version of that introduced by Khoja [11]. The revision included changing some of the tags for linguistic considerations and introducing some new tags to make the set more powerful, or to make up for limitations in the original tagset that hinder tagging some words. The corpus is obtained from two Jordanian magazines, and has to go through a series of editing steps. A collection of lexical rules and contextual rules are obtained and applied to Arabic text. The tagging accuracy of the resulting tagged text is measured now to be an average of up to about 84% for both known and unknown words, A rate, which is very promising for such a complex language and rich tagset. We still hope for better performance.


Mohamed Abolgasem Ali Arteimi, (08-2012), طرابلس: الأكاديمية الليبية, 1-6

Numerical study of joint behaviour for robustness assessment
Journal Article


The paper presents studies on numerical modelling of beam-to-column joint behaviour in typical service and exceptional design situations. The complexity of such investigations arises from highly nonlinear effects associated with the prediction of joint performance, such as structural imperfections, large displacements and rotations, inelastic properties of steel and concrete, bonding effects between steel and concrete, and slip between concrete and structural steel, among others. The paper addresses these problems and provides validation of numerical modelling techniques trough comparison with experimental data for joints under hogging and sagging moments. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.

Bashir Ali Kalifa Saleh, (07-2012), Scopus: Libyan Academy, 32767 (166), 3114-3117

Online Shopping and the Transaction Protection in ECommerce: A case Of Online Purchasing in Libya
Journal Article

Hadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (06-2012), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications: IJSEP, 2 (6), 1-4

Methylol‐functional benzoxazines as precursors for high‐performance thermoset polymers: Unique simultaneous addition and condensation polymerization behavior
Journal Article

A new class of high‐performance resins of combined molecular structure of both traditional phenolics and benzoxazines has been developed. The monomers termed as methylol‐functional benzoxazines were synthesized through Mannich condensation reaction of methylol‐functional phenols and aromatic amines, including methylenedianiline (4,4′‐diaminodiphenylmethane) and oxydianiline (4,4′‐diaminodiphenyl ether), in the presence of paraformaldehyde. For comparison, other series of benzoxazine monomers were prepared from phenol, corresponding aromatic amines, and paraformaldehyde. The as‐synthesized monomers are characterized by their high purity as judged from 1H NMR and Fourier transform infrared spectra. Differential scanning calorimetric thermograms of the novel monomers show two exothermic peaks associated with condensation reaction of methylol groups and ring‐opening …

Mohamed Saad Saad Baqar, (06-2012), Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry: Wiley, 50 (11), 2275-2285

Journal Article

Hadya Soliman Hadya Hawedi, (05-2012), International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering: IJARCCE, 1 (3), 141-145

The influence of design team attributes on green design performance of building projects
Journal Article

The design phase is the most important phase in determining the green performance of building projects. The performance of the design team is crucial. The growing importance of sustainability globally necessitates the inclusion of green criteria in the design team selection process. Therefore, a competent design teams is required to have a range of attributes as the basis for design decisions. The propose of this study to identify current green design performance level of design teams of building projects and establish key design attributes influencing green design performance. To achieve mentioned aim a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect dada required. A sample of 274 respondents has been covered under the study, including architects and engineers practicing design and consultancy building sectors. Prior to analysis of data WINSTEPS software were used to determine validity and reliability of date. Descriptive analysis data includes quantitative and qualitative. In general, design team attributes were moderate (3.32). The general design team attributes were high such experience (3.81), communication (3.43) and leadership effectiveness (3.48). However, green attributes of design team were moderate such as green knowledge (2.98), green skills (3.13) and green initiatives (2.84). The result indicates that most design teams have inadequate knowledge and skills to produce high green design performance of building projects. Therefore, to overcome green design complexity, careful selecting design team members and more education and training courses on green building are required to deal with green design requirements.

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, Ismail Rahmat, (04-2012), Environmental Management and Sustainable Development: Micro think Institute, 1 (1), 10-30

Influence of Cr, Mn and Mo Addition on Structure and Properties of V Microalloyed Medium Carbon Steels
Journal Article

The effect of austenitizing temperature and Cr, Mo and Mn addition on microstructure and mechanical

properties of V microalloyed medium carbon steel has been studied by means of metallography and mechanical

testing. The addition of Cr, Mn and Mo leads to a decrease in yield strength (YS) by approximate 100 MPa in

comparison to the base steel. It is assumed that Mn and Mo increase hardenability by promoting the formation

of bainitic sheaves (BS), i:e: by suppressing the formation of ferrite-pearlite and acicular ferrite (FP-AF). Cr

at the level used in this work is not that e®ective. Presence and packet size of bainitic sheaves decrease

the Charpy V-notch impact energy at 20 ±C (CVN20) in comparison to ferrite-pearlite and acicular ferrite


Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, Dragomir Glisi, Nenad Radovic, Djordje Drobnjak, (03-2012), J. Materials. Science. Techno,: Elsevier, 28 (11), 1053-1058

الصراعات في القرن الأفريقي وتأثيرها على الأمن القومي العربي
مقال في مجلة علمية

تشير الأحداث التي تشهدها دول منطقة القرن الأفريقي إلى استمرار سلسلة الانشقاقات والخلافات التي تعاني منها دول المنطقة داخلياً وإقليمياً عبر تاريخها،وهو ما جعل التنافس والصراع السمة الغالبة على شبكة العلاقات الداخلية والإقليمية لدول هذه المنطقة ، وما من شك أن لهذه الصراعات وما يتمخض عنها من نتائج أثرها المباشر على أمن منطقة البحر الأحمر والقرن الأفريقي ، والتي في الواقع تضم عدداً من الدول العربية ، ففي السنوات الأخيرة شهدت المنطقة العديد من التطورات التي تمس علاقات الجوار الجغرافي والحدود والمواني وخطوط أنابيب النفط ، ولذا تحاول هذه الدراسة بلورة بعض القضايا والإشكاليات الخاصة بالصراعات في منطقة القرن الأفريقي وأثر هذه الصراعات على الأمن القومي العربي ، من خلال تقسيمها إلى ثلاثة فصول يبين الفصل الأول أهمية هذه المنطقة ، وحدود رقعتها الجغرافية وأهم الجوانب التاريخية لها ، أما في الفصل الثاني فتحدث عن طبيعة الصراعات في منطقة القرن الأفريقي ، كما تعرض للسياسة الإسرائيلية في هذه المنطقة وعلاقات إسرائيل بدول المنطقة ، أما الفصل الثالث فتحدث عن مفهوم الأمن القومي العربي ومصادر تهديده ، وتناول محدداته وما ينبغي فعله من قبل الدول العربية لتلافي أثار هذه الصراعات .  

كمال سالم فرج الشكري، (02-2012)، مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة: مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة، 1 (1)، 134-153

قياس رضا العملاء عن جودة الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية - دراسة ميدانية على بنك سورية الدولي الإسلامي
مقال في مجلة علمية

تهدف الدراسة الى قياس رضا العملاء عن جودة الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية والى التعرف عن مدى رضا العملاء عن جودة هذه الخدمات، وتوصلت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج منها، لا يوجد اختلاف بين توقعات العملاء لأبعاد جودة الخدمات المصرفية الإسلامية المقدمة من المصرف محل الدراسة وبين إدراكهم لمستوى الأداء الفعلي لتلك الخدمات، وتم التوصل الى جملة من النتائج أهمها، ضرورة قيام إدارة بنك سورية الدولي الإسلامي بالعمل على تضييق الفجوة بين توقعات العملاء لمستوى الجودة وما يقدم اليهم بالفعل حتى يحقق رضائهم.

خالد صالح عبود اسباقة، (01-2012)، جامعة دمشق: مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم الاقتصادية والقانونية، 2 (28)، 551-572

Green design performance of Malaysian building projects-descriptive study
Journal Article

The aim of this work was to investigate whether the Malaysian current building projects are considered as “Green Designs”. To achieve this aim a questionnaire survey was conducted. A sample of 274 respondents is covered, which included architects and engineers in the building design and consultancy sectors. WINSTEPS software is used in Rasch modeling to determine the validity and reliability of the data. Descriptive data analysis (quantitative and qualitative) is done. The results reveal that design green building performance, in general, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality requirements are considered moderate. The majority of the designed buildings are with low utilization of recycled and reused materials. Moreover, high utilization of regional materials, low consideration to water efficiency requirements and environmental innovations are also moderate. Design team attributes are the key factors to improve green design performance. Client quality play major role to enhance design team attributes. Therefore, effective Design team attributes and client’s qualities may increase performance of the design green building performance in order to enhance building performance and reduce building impact on environment.

Mohamed S Abd Elforgani, (11-2011), Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN): ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 6 (11), 68-78