مذكرة التفاهم التركية/ الليبية تتجاوز المكاسب الاقتصادية إلى تغيير قواعد اللعبة في شرق المتوسط،
مقال في مجلة علميةتشير كل التحركات التركية في ليبيا رغبة منها في تنشيط دورها وتعزيز مكانتها في دائرة نفوذها الإقليمي ومجالها الحيوي في محاولة لبلورة هويتها، بهدف تحقيق الطموح التركي في الهيمنة على مناطق نفوذ سابقة أو تعزيز التواجد في أماكن أخرى من ناحية، وبما يضمن زيادة رصيد أوراقها القوية أمام منافسيها في أي مفاوضات مستقبلية مع القوى الدولية والإقليمية الفاعلة والمؤثرة في الساحة الداخلية الليبية وفي حوض المتوسط من ناحية أخرى، ضمن استراتيجية تركية شاملة، للحيلولة دون تجاهلها، أو تبني حلول لها تأثير مباشر في مصالحها الاقتصادية وأمنها القومي.
محمد عبدالحفيظ المهدي الشيخ، (10-2024)، مجلة آراء حول الخليج: مركز الخليج للأبحاث، 203 (2024)، 25-32
Facies Analysis and Reservoirs Characterization of the Ordovician Hawaz and Memouniyat Formations and the Devonian Awainat Wanin Formation, Area 176-4, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Conference paperAbstract: The Ordovician to Devonian succession in the in Murzuq Basin represents the most important part of the lower Paleozoic terrigenous Al Gargaf siliciclastic group, which consists of several formations such as the Ordovician Hawaz, Melaz Shuqran and Mamuniyat Formations and the Devonian Tadrart and Awainat Wanin Formations. Different integrated methods were used and implemented in order to understand lithology and sedimentary structures of the Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian formations. Firstly, intensive geological field trips were carried out and special attention was focused on Ordovician and Devonian reservoir sandstones and the Silurian source rocks. Secondly facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy methods were applied to figure out a simple sequence stratigraphic division of the Ordovician to Devonian succession based on outcrop sections, well logs and interpreted seismic sections. As a result of the petrographic field investigation and facies analysis based on seismic interpretation of the several seismic lines in the study area. Sequence boundaries of the Ordovician and Devonian succession on all seismic sections were identified by using specific reflection terminations such as onlap and erosional truncations features. 13 seismic facies were recognized, divided and classified for each of the examined stratigraphic formations (4 facies in Hawaz, 5 facies in Melaz Shuqran and Mamuniyat formations and 4 facies in the Tadrart and Awainat Wanin). A seismic facies classification chart was made on the basis of the classified seismic facies scheme, since depositional systems and types of seismic facies differ in each stratigraphic succession. Depositional sequences of sedimentary environments were identified from well logs and available 2D seismic sections and sequence stratigraphic frameworks were constructed for the Ordovician and Devonian formations. Based on the facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy interpretations, two different order sequences in the Ordovician to Devonian succession have been found and identified: The major sequences are possibly 2nd-order sequences in time duration. They are clearly traceable on all seismic sections. May be minor sequences are possibly 3rd-order sequences, and they are not traceable on all seismic sections clearly, but are recognized on well logs or outcrop sections. Eventually, all obtained information and that results were plotted on the different maps for each examined section to construct a depositional model and to estimate the maximum distributions of each formation separately on the basis of depositional system interpretations.
Keywords: Murzuq Basin, Al Gargaf siliciclastic group, Ordovician to Devonian succession, depositional system and seismic facies
Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (10-2024), ليبيا: International Science and Technology Journal, 1-20
Computational Studies of the Active Metabolite of Triflusal Molecular Orbitals and Spectroscopic Features; The Basis for Triflusal Phototoxicity Mechanism
Journal ArticleTriflusal is a prodrug used as a platelet antiaggregant agent (a platelet aggregation inhibitor). It has efficacy similar to that of aspirin specially in patients with cerebral and myocardial infraction. Chemically, triflusal is nothing except a derivative of acetylsalicylic acid (2-acetyl-3-trifluoromethylsalicylic acid). It is bio-transformed under the effect of a deacetylation process into the active metabolite (known as HTB) which is 2-hydroxyl-3-trifluoromethylbenzoic acid. During the triflusal uses the cutaneous phototoxic/photoallergic side effect is noted including rash, itching or allergic reactions. In order to study this side effect, we use a very excellent tool to study such reactions which is DFT and TD-DFT. The active metabolite of triflusal HTB molecular orbitals and UV-VIS spectroscopic features have been investigated herein. The obtained results show that there is a difference in the molecular orbitals (MOs) pattern between the two forms of HTB (protonated and deprotonated) especially the HOMOs of the deprotonated species..
Lutfi Mohamed Mohamed Bakar, (10-2024), Academic Journal of Science and Technology: Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 4 (1), 181-188
A Novel Approach to Nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations Using Abaoub Shkheam Decomposition Method
Journal ArticleAbstract: In this study, we introduce a novel approach to the solution of a nonlinear Volterra -Fredholm integral equations by applying the Adomian decomposition method under the effect of the Abaoub- Shkheam transform. We demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the solution in Banach space and illustrate this idea with an example.
Ali E. Abaoub, Abejela S. Shkheam, Khireya A. Alkeweldy, (10-2024), الهند: IJLTEMAS, 13 (10), 173-180
Compliance of Libyan Government Websites with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Standards
Journal ArticleThis study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the compliance of key Libyan government websites with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, the latest international standard for digital accessibility published in October 2023. The assessment focuses on the nine new success criteria introduced in WCAG 2.2, which aim to improve accessibility for users with low vision, cognitive, and motor disabilities. By conducting thorough automated and manual testing, this research identifies the specific strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated websites in meeting WCAG 2.2 requirements at the A, AA, and AAA levels. The findings reveal significant areas for improvement across the government's online presence and provide actionable recommendations for Libyan institutions to enhance their digital accessibility efforts and create a more inclusive online environment for all citizens. KEYWORDS: digital accessibility, web accessibility, compliance, Libyan government websites
Musa Kh A Faneer, (10-2024), المجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم و التقنية الاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا: Libyan Academy, 4 (1), 189-192
Investigation of the effect of the Reservoir Rock Compressibility on Oil Recovery Factor during Gas Injection
Journal ArticleA type of EOR, secondary production includes water flooding and gas injection. Normally, gas is injected into the gas cap and water is injected into the production zone to sweep oil from the reservoir. A pressure-maintenance program can begin during the primary recovery stage, but it is a form of enhanced recovery. The main purpose of this report is to investigate the effect of the reservoir rock compressibility on oil recovery factor during gas injection. The problem statement of this study is firstly, as the reservoir oil and gas production under primary conditions, causes the reservoir pressure to decline. Secondly, A gas injection is required to re-energize or “re-pressurize" the reservoir. The main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of the reservoir fluid densities on oil recovery factor during gas injection. By using ECLIPES Software, we model the data and find out the best prediction of gas injection that is suitable for the available field data. It is proven that the optimum oil production is by injection a high amount of injection rate. The highest increase in percentage of the total gas production is when an injection of 54 MMSCF is 0.58 %. The higher the compressibility value of the rock, will give the higher the rate of oil and gas production. The relationship between oil rate, gas rate, pressure, and oil recovery factor are directing the compressibility of rocks is a direct relationship.
Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (10-2024), Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 3 (22), 79-86
Medical Expert Systems in Ambulance Care
Journal ArticleDaily incidents significantly impact the workflow of ambulance and healthcare personnel, whose critical role involves providing immediate medical treatment and facilitating transportation to hospitals. This study presents the design of a medical expert system aimed at enhancing first-aid response in ambulances and educating users on fundamental first-aid principles. The proposed system integrates a comprehensive knowledge base that catalogs disease symptoms and corresponding treatments, functioning similarly to a medical professional's guidance. While the system relies on pre-programmed symptoms, it allows for the continuous addition of new symptoms and diseases, ensuring adaptability in emergencies. This expert system is particularly beneficial for novice healthcare providers, equipping them with reliable diagnostic support and improving patient outcomes during medical emergencies.
Musa Kh A Faneer, Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (10-2024), African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 4 (3), 210-217
Geochemical Parameters of Oil and Rock Samples from Murzuq Basin, Libya: An Application for Paleoenvironment Description
Journal ArticleSeven sedimentary rocks and seven crude oils undertook a geochemical analysis to describe their organic matter type and
then tag the Paleoenvironments based on the organic matter. The samples were collected from B1-NC151, A1-NC58, P1-
NC1, E1-NC174, D1-NC151, H29-NC115, and D1-NC174 boreholes, located in Murzuq Basin. The study was established to
understand life forms in the ecosystem based on biomarkers that biochemical techniques recognized. Microscopy was used
for kerogen typing and Spore Color Index reference. Organic matter (EOM) was extracted from cutting samples. Furthermore,
hydrocarbons were saturated and aromatic fractionated from the samples to investigate using Gas chromatograph system.
Spore color index (SCI), range between 1.5-3.5, Amorphous organic matter (AOM) from 42 to 95 percentage, Phytoclasts %
were 4-15.5, and Palynomorphs % range 0.5 to 7.5. The percentage of Carbon 85.66-86.29, Hydrogen 13.16-13.73, Nitrogen
0.06 -0.27, and Sulfur 0.31-0.70, besides wax were measured, ranging among 1.3 to 6.0 %. Pristine/n-C17, Phytane/n-C18,
Pristine/Phytane, carbon preference index measurements (CPI) and DBT/P as saturated hydrocarbon ratios from whole oil
chromatographs were established. Tricyclic terpanes, hopanes and n-alkanes were distinguishing as the most important oil
biomarkers that reserved the characteristics in the Paleoenvironments.
Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (10-2024), Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal: الأكاديمية الليبية, 12 (126), 18-25
Diagnosis of High Vibration Causes at the Screw Air Compressor Base Frame in Souq Al-Khamis Cement Factory (Part I)
Conference paperThis paper investigates the resonance phenomenon and modal characteristics of a screw air compressor base frame in the cement manufacturing industry. Numerical analysis and data comparison techniques were used to identify and analyze the resonance issue in a specific compressor at Souq Al-Khamis Cement Factory. The research begins by studying the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the compressor base frame through Finite Element Method (FEM) using the ANSYS Workbench. Practical measurements are conducted using the PHYPHOX App Vibration Analyzer to obtain vibration data from the compressor. The findings of this study contribute to understanding the resonance phenomenon in screw air compressors and provide valuable insights for improving the design and maintenance of compressor base frames in the cement manufacturing industry. By identifying the relationship between excitation frequencies and natural frequencies, measures can be taken to mitigate resonance-related vibration problems and ensure the reliable operation of cement production equipment.
Osama Amhammeed Altaher Hassin, Ahmed Omran, Sadok Sassi, Fengshou Gu, (10-2024), tripoli: المجلة الدولية للعلوم والتقنية, 1-2
Aerodynamic Analysis of HAWT using Blade Element Method and Q-Blade Software
Conference paperBlades are the very important components of wind turbines in order to convert wind energy to mechanical or electrical energy. Therefore, the aerodynamic forces acting on the horizontal wind turbine blades have an important role in their performance. The objective of this paper is to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics and power generation properties for a NREL PHASE VI wind turbine blade. For this purpose, an analysis procedure based on the Blade Element Method (BEM) is demonstrated for a horizontal-axis wind turbine model (HAWT), and the methodology approach is discussed in detail throughout this paper. In this study, a Math Lab code has been developed for analyzing a model of Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) in order to display aerodynamic behaviour on the blade. The NACA S809 airfoil was selected for the analysis of the wind turbine blade, where the tip and root losses proposed by Prandtl are also executed. The calculated results are validated using Q-Blade commercial software at rated wind speed of 10 m/s and show that the BEM is a good method of aerodynamic investigation of a HAWT blade
Osama Amhammeed Altaher Hassin, Noureddine Toumi, Alshamis Ramadan Saad Wadi, Mostafa H Essuri Abobaker, (10-2024), ٍسبها: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 1-2