A comparison of Pattern Recognition Approaches for Recognizing Handwriting in Arabic Letters
Conference paper

For Arabic letters recognition, we achieve three of pattern recognition approaches namely gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), local binary pattern recognition (LBP) and artificial neural network (ANN) and compare between them to result best performance. Two of these methods level co-occurrence matrix and local binary pattern recognition are used for feature extraction whereas in artificial neural network (ANN) we use the intensity values of pixels for input of the neural network. Two classifiers are used, the K-Nearest Neighbor classifier (KNN) for the LBP, GLCM and neural network classifier for (ANN) artificial neural network. Also, we evaluate the results by using leave one person out approach, fold classification and leave one out.

Jomah, O.S.M, (05-2021), online: 2021 IEEE 1st International Maghreb Meeting of the Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering MI-STA, 818-824

دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في الحد من الإشاعة
مقال في مجلة علمية

الإشاعة ظاهرة قديمة ومستمرة تظهر على هيئة خبر أو قضية متعددة الجوانب صعب التحكم فيها والتخلص منها ، تتم وفق لتفاعل اجتماعي بين الأفراد ، وإن عناصرها تتمثل في المرسل والرسالة والإداة ثم الجمهور وتأخذ شكل دائري يبدأ بالولادة فالانتشار ثم الاندثار والظهور مرة أخرى ، الامر الذي دفع إلى هذا البحث يهدف من خلاله التعرف على الإشاعة وأنواعها وعواملها ومراحلها ، والوقوف على دور الخدمة الاجتماعية حيالها ، تم قسم البحث إلى محورين الأول يتعلق بالإشاعة وأركانها وخصائصها وعوامل ظهورها وانتشارها ومراحلها و؟انواعها ، والثاني ركز على دور الخدمة الاجتماعية تجاه الإشاعة ، متوصلا إلى عدد من النتائج منها الإشاعة تتم من خلال التفاعل بين الأفراد وهى تظهر نتيجة للغموض اما ان تكون زاحفة أو عدوانية أو فردية أو جماعية أو دولية ، ويكمن دور الخدمة الاجتماعية في الحد منها من خلال توعية الأفراد وترشيد الجهات المسؤولة لكيفية مواجهتها .

ابوعجيلة المبروك علي المدنيني، سالمة إبراهيم الطبيب، (04-2021)، الجمعية الليبية لعلوم التربية: مجلة القرطاس، 13 (13)، 187-200

Modelling Future Temperatures Change in Libya Linking to the Planning of Sustainable Development
Conference paper


In the 21st century, climate change is considered one of the greatest environmental threats to the world, and it has greater negative impacts on human society and the natural environment. All the IPCC's reports concluded that we should prepare scenarios and strategies for under the conditions of forthcoming global change. This study presents the projections of future changes under HadCM3 A2a and HadCM3 B2a SRES scenarios using the statistical downscaling model (SDSM) in the period (2020-2099) and their link to the planning of sustainable development in Libya. Results of downscaling show that the SDSM model can be well acceptable regard its performance. The result of the SDSM model showed great reliability of SDSM in ascertaining changes for the periods; (2020-2039), (2040-2059), (2060-2079) and (2080-2099), relative to 1961–1990. Trend analysis in Libya showed an increase in average annual and monthly temperature, compared to the baseline period for both HadCM3A2a and HadCM3B2a scenarios in both the dry and wet seasons. Thus, there is likely to be a significant warming in local surface temperature, which is enough for a significant change on the energy balance and is likely to affect water availability. The SDSM is well to help decision-makers understand the expectations of the change in extreme temperatures in the future and its environmental and economic impacts and social in Libya.

Keywords: Statistical downscaling model, SDSM, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, General circulation model, GCM, HadCM3 Hadley Climate Model version, Temperature, Libya.

Abdussalam Ahmed Mohmed Ibrahim, (04-2021), Tunis: Maghreb International Conference on Sustainable Development, 120-142

Traffic Movement at Five Intersections on Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street - Sebha
Journal Article

Jamal Abdul-Nasser is a major trunk road that divides Sebha city into two semi-equal parts. It connects almost all districts with different activities and services in the center of the city. Alongside Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street, exist various types of activities: administrative, educational, commercial, public services and some other activities. Due to its importance, the street carries out the densest traffic movement within the city. This paper tries to study and analyze traffic movement at five intersections on Jamal Abdul-Nasser Street: (1) Al-Nahdha; (2) Khaled IbnAl-Walid; (3) Al-Khotoot; (4) Al-Tijari Bank; (5) Al-Zeraie Bank. Selection of the pre-mentioned intersections referred to their importance as converging points to various important activities and land uses. Data required for the study purposes include intersection characteristics, traffic flow characteristics and traffic composition pattern. The results reveal the significance of taking care of the geometric and regulatory aspects that enable the intersections to perform well with regard the smoothness of traffic flow.

Asmaiel Kodan Ali Naiel, (04-2021), جامعة سبها: مجلة العلوم البحثة والتطبيقية, 20 (4), 5-10

SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review
Journal Article

A strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis has become a key tool used

by businesses for strategic planning. Scholars have conducted SWOT research for over six

decades. However, a collective understanding of SWOT analysis remains vague. This study

accessed, analyzed, and synthesized the SWOT literature, allowing for new theoretical

perspectives and frameworks to emerge. Using an integrative literature review, this study reviewed

SWOT studies historically, providing a greater understanding of the SWOT analysis in different

sectors and the different approaches used in SWOT studies. Furthermore, it fills the knowledge

gap in the strategic planning context and indicates meaningful implications for managers that could

help improve their strategic decisions.

Mostafa Ali Mohamed Benzaghta, (03-2021), Journal of Global Business Insights: Scholar Commons, 6 (1), 54-72

Mechanization the traditional admission systems and their role in improving the quality of inputs for higher education institutions
مقال في مجلة علمية

This study aims to build a model for a unified electronic admission system for Libyan higher education institutions. It has been noticeable that tertiary institutions in Libya have poor outcomes, and perhaps one of the reasons for that is the presence of defects in the current admission systems and their policies, which leads to selecting and accepting inappropriate applicants. The admission systems in most Libyan higher education institutions are outdated and still based on paper applications.Hence, this research was conducted to look at the Arab experiences in employing technology to develop admission systems at higher educational institutions. The research was also conducted to determine whether those Arab experiences can be applied to our local tertiary institutions, and see if they can they improve the quality of higher education outcomes. The researchers critically reviewed a number of tertiary admission systems and procedures offered at some educational institutions in Arab countries to reach an appropriate proposal for an online admission system to use at higher education institutions in Libya. The target admission system aims to offer many advantages and benefits such as saving time and effort for students and workers, as well as speeding up the processes of admission applications and checking application statuses.

عمر صالح محمود جمعة، (03-2021)، سبها: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية، 20 (3)، 28-35

دراسة تأثير أنوع مختلفه من البودرة علي خواص مارشال للخلطات الاسفلتيه الساخنه
مقال في مؤتمر علمي

انظر للورقة

اسماعيل قودان علي نايل، (03-2021)، جامعة بن وليد: المؤتمر الوطني الثامن لمواد البناء و الهندسة الانشائية، 93-104

Lithostratigraphy of the upper Lower Devonian through the upper Middle Devonian succession of the southeast Darling Basin, western New South Wales, southeastern Australia: a case study of sedimentological features and significance of depositional facies
Journal Article

Detailed sedimentological analysis of depositional facies through lithostratigraphic correlation was conducted for the upper

Lower Devonian through the upper Middle Devonian Snake Cave Interval strata of the southeast Darling Basin. The methodology

used includes identifying changes in rock types from sedimentary lithotypes within different facies associations from well

data, wireline-log patterns and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. This has helped to define a lithostratigraphic correlation for

the Snake Cave Interval section. This study has re-interpreted the upper and lower boundaries of the Snake Cave Interval using

marked changes in gamma-ray log features and core and cutting lithology logs to estimate the depth of these boundaries from

three wells. The Snake Cave Interval consists of ten lithotypes that define three facies associations (FAs) in the three available

wells. These were deposited within three main facies associations: meandering fluvial facies association A (MFFA-A), braided

fluvial facies association B (BFFA-B) and fluvio-shallow lacustrine complex facies association C (FSLCFA-C). The paper

includes a broad description of the significance of lithostratigraphic facies related to depositional environments of the upper

Lower Devonian through the upper middle Devonian succession section.

Mohamed Khalifa Masoud Khalifa, (03-2021), Arabian Journal of Geosciences: springer, 1 (1), 1-1

دراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى الخزان الجوفي الأول بمدينة زليتن
مقال في مجلة علمية

نظراً للحاجة الماسة للمياه الجوفية لأغراض الاستخدام المنزلي والزراعي والصناعي أُجري هذا البحث لدراسة تداخل مياه البحر إلى بعض الآبار التي تضخ من قبل مرافق بلدية زليتن. تم جمع 23 عينة مياه جوفية في يناير 2019 من الآبار الموزعة بمنطقة الدراسة. تم تحليل عينات المياه لقياس تركيز الصوديوم (+Na) والكلوريد (-Cl) والكالسيوم (Ca+ 2) والماغنيسيوم (Mg+ 2) و مجموع الأملاح الذائبة الكلية (TDS). أيضا تم حساب مؤشر جونز (Jouns Ratio) لتحديد منطقة تداخل مياه البحر التي من أصل بحري داخل اليابسة. أظهرت نتائج التحاليل الكيميائية لعينات مياه الآبار أن هناك زيادة في تركيز TDS حيث تراوحت بين (1536-7545) مليجرام/ لتر، وزيادة في تركيز كل من الكلوريد حيث تراوح ما بين (280-3190) مليجرام/لتر، وتركيز الصوديوم (1256.08-45.5) مليجرام/ لتر ، وتركيز الكالسيوم (128-442) مليجرام/لتر تتجاوز الحد المسموح به من قبل منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO). بينما مؤشر جونز يزداد بأغلب منطقة الدراسة عن 0.84، وبالتالي لاتُعد المياه من أصل بحري لأغلب المنطقة. عدا شمال شرق وشمال غرب المنطقة وجزء من وسط المنطقة، وتصل مسافة تداخل المياه المالحة إلى 6 كيلومتر بشرق وغرب منطقة الدراسة. 

مصطفى علي محمد بن زقطة، (03-2021)، المجلة الليبية للعلوم الزراعية: جامعة طرابلس، 26 (1)، 1-16

Structure and Strength of Isothermally Heat-Treated Medium Carbon Ti-V Microalloyed Steel
Journal Article

Isothermal transformation characteristics of a medium carbon Ti-V microalloyed steel were

investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy

dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and by uniaxial compressive testing. Samples austenitized on 1100 C

were isothermally treated in the range from 350 to 600 C and subsequently water quenched. The

final microstructure of the samples held at 350 C consisted of bainitic sheaves and had compressive

yield strength, approximately from 1000 MPa, which is attributed to high dislocation density of

low bainite. At 400 and 450 C, acicular ferrite became prevalent in the microstructure. It was also

formed by a displacive mechanism, but the dislocation density was lower, leading to a decrease of

compressive yield strength to approximately 700 MPa. The microstructure after the heat treatment at

500 C consisted of coarse non-polygonal ferrite grains separated by pearlite colonies, principally

dislocation free grains, so that the compressive YS reached a minimum value of about 700 MPa. The

microstructure of the samples heat-treated at 550 and 600 C consisted of pearlite and both grain

boundary and intragranular ferrite, alongside with some martensite. After 600 s, austenite became

stable and transformed to martensite after water quenching. Therefore, the presence of martensite

increased the compressive YS to approx. 800 MPa.

Abdulnaser Hamza Ahmed Fadel, (01-2021), Switzerland: Metals 2021, 11 (1011), 1-12