قراءات في قضايا ... التعليم وتنمية الرأسمال البشري
حنان الصادق محمد بيزان، (12-2016)، افتراضيا: نور بابليشينغ - Noor Publshing،
Analytical Study for Physicochemical Characteristics of Bentonite Clay in Libya
Journal ArticleThis study highlights the mechanism of formation for Bentonite clay surface properties. It investigates specific gravity and the influence of physicochemical characteristics on clay stability of structural forces on adsorbed water molecules. In particular, it describes the chemical composition, as well as cation exchange capacity (CEC). Bentonite clay is collected from the Murzuq city located 1150 km south of Tripoli i.e. southernmost town of Libya. The CEC value is leached by 500ppm Ca+2 at pH=8 equaled 84.5 mmoles/kg. While at pH=2, the value is (20.5 mmoles/kg). The leaching process is carried out by 500ppm K+ using flame emission photometer. The CEC value at pH =8 for sample is 91.5 mmoles/kg. Also the specific gravity is found to be 2.597. This value is in agreement with the obtained standard values for Wyoming (USA). The % MxOy of the clay is calculated by gravimetric method as follows: SiO2, 53.75; Al2O3, 21.46; Fe2O3, 1.4;CaO, 0.97; MgO, 2.13, and agreed with the XRF analysis as follows: SiO2, 54.93; Al2O3, 21.46; Fe2O3, 1.71; MgO, 3.18 ; CaO, 0.81; Na2O, 5.48; K2O, 0.54; TiO2,0.32. The results are adequately approximate and reasonable for both methods. The percent is very limited for trace elements Pb, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn. In the sample, it is about 0.21%. The result of XRD analysis (intensities) for sample is presented as follows: 50% quartz, 50% kaolinite, 5% Analcine, 7.5% Illite, 5% Natrolite, 10% Nontronite, 7% Montmorillonite. The formula calculation depends on the purity of clay and consequently the structural formula for Libyan Bentonite is: K0.094Na1.45Ca0.118 (Al2.92Fe0.175Ti0.033Mg0.646)VI( Al0.52Si7.48 …
Ibrahim S Mohamed Shaban, (12-2016), Libya: Petroleum Research Journa, 22 (1), 144-151
Performance Analysis and Aerodynamic Design of Axial Flow Compressors
Journal ArticleThe main objective of the paper is to analyze the performance of axial flow compressors and to generate a systematic design approach which enables to design subsonic flow ones. In order to investigate the validity of this approach, the LP axial flow compressor of the RR Spey MK511 turbofan engine is taken as an example. The design calculations were based on thermodynamics, gas dynamics, fluid mechanics and empirical relations. The flow is assumed to be of two-dimensional compressible type with constant axial and rotor blade velocities with a free-vortex swirl distribution. Design calculations include
thermodynamic properties of the working fluid, number of compressor performance parameters such as, stage temperature rise and number, flow and blade angles (blade twist), velocity triangles and relative inlet Mach number at rotor blades tips as well as blades tip and hub diameters. A repeated calculation is made to determine these parameters along compressor stages. The variation of velocity whirl components, air and blade angles, deflection and degree of reaction from root to tip of the blades were also determined. The twist of the blades along the blade length is set according to the recommended values in order to obtain smooth blade twist profile.
Mohameed Hameed Ali Elhsnawi, Saleh Mohamed, (12-2016), The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT): The International Journal of Engineering & Information Technology (IJEIT), 1 (3), 62-70
الوقف في ولاية طرابلس
كتابكتاب على تاريخ الأوقاف في العهد العثماني الثاني، وأثره على ولاية طرابلس الغرب، من النواحي الاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، والدينية، والثقافية، إضافة إلى مصادر، وإيرادات الوقف، ومصروفاته، وإدارته.
الهمالي مفتاح الهمالي بن شكر، (12-2016)، بني وليد: جمعية المتكأ للدراسات الاستراتيجية والمستقبلية،
إنسحاب مجاهدوا السدادة وأثره على احتلال بني وليد
مقال في مؤتمر علميلقد أثر بشكل مباشر إنيحاب مجاهدوا السدادة على سير معارك احتلال بني وليد، حيث ذلك الإنسحاب المفاجئ فتح الطريق أمام توغل القوات الإيطالية نحو مركز المدينة، بل وخولها واحتلالها من الناحية الجنوبية الشرقية، في وقت كان فيه مجاهدوا الشمال يقاتلون العدو ببسالة.
الهمالي مفتاح الهمالي بن شكر، (12-2016)، كتاب أعمال المؤتمر العلمي الأول حول معركة احتلال بني وليد 1923م: جمعية المتكأ للدراسات الاستراتيجية والمستقبلية، 210-233
Seedling Tolerance of Three Eucalypt Species to Changes in Soil Alkalinity Due to Limestone Addition
Journal ArticleThe present research was implemented to analyses the seedling tolerance of three species Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC (Myrtaceae) (common name 'Tuart'), Eucalyptus marginata Sm. (common name 'Jarrah') and Corymbia calophylla (Lindl.) K.D. Hill & J. A. S. Johnson (common name 'Marri') to soil-induced stressor, namely soil alkalinity (limestone). Seeds germinated in shallow trays filled with white sand in a naturally lit glasshouse (control treatment). A liming treatment was conducted with 20% w/w crushed and sifted Tomala limestone adds to potting mix to increase soil pH. The experiment was conducted over 82 days. E. gomphocephala is restricted soils overlying limestone on study area and according to total seedling dry weight data and calculated relative growth rates coped best in a limestone-enriched soil. However, when examining all the growth and physiological data collected C. calophylla appeared to be the middling tolerant, with no significant difference in leaf allocation or leaf water loss between the well-watered controls and the limestone-enriched treatments whereas the E. marginata was the least tolerant with a 14% reduction in stomatal conductance.
E. Farifr1 , S. Aboglila1* and N. Shanak1, (12-2016), SCIENCEDOMAIN international: British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 8 (2), 1-8
الدول العربية وتحديات العولمة
مقال في مجلة علميةلقد أصبح مفهوم العولمة Globalization))يحظى باهتمام كبير من قبل وسائل الإعلام والبحاث والمفكرين والكتاب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني والحكومات ، ومثار جدل في المؤتمرات والندوات ، ويعود ذلك إلى مفهومها الهلامي الملتبس غير الواضح ، وتباين أراء المفكرين والسياسيين حولها بين مؤيد يدعو إلى العولمة والأخذ بها ، وأخر يحذر من خطرها ويدعو إلى البعد عنها ، فالرفض المطلق للعولمة لن يمكن الدول والمجتمعات من تجنب مخاطرها ، كذلك القبول المطلق لها لن يمكن هذه الدول من الاستفادة التامة منها .
ولعل من أسباب الاهتمام بهذه الظاهرة ودراستها ، هو أن العولمة لم تعد مجرد مصطلح أو مفهوم علمي أكاديمي يفسر تفاعلات دولية جديدة ، وإنما أضحت واقعاً دولياً جديداً يفرض وجوده ويؤثر ويتأثر بمختلف أوجه الحياة .
كمال سالم فرج الشكري، (12-2016)، مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة: مجلة الاقتصاد والتجارة، 10 (9)، 148-171
The agricultural activities in Libya during the second Era of Ottmanians (1835-1911AD)
Journal ArticleThe second era of Ottmanian (1835-1911AD) had witnessed a stable economic development and growth due to internal and external policy and because of the reforms achieved by the Ottmanian Empire in all its states. Agriculture is considered a significant formation in the economical growth due to its direct relation to population’s income and effect with people’s needs in any country in the world because agriculture is the main source of food to the people. The agricultural and animal products have played an essential role in the economy of Tripoli at that time, the Ottoman authority was responsible on supervision of farms while the workforce was local people of Tripoli, this situation had led to improve the economical condition of the state and its people, also it was the main source for income to the Ottoman government.
علي العجيلي عبد السلام جماعة, (12-2016), Journal of Humanitarian, Scientific and Social Sciences 2nd Issue December 2016: جامعة المرقب, 2 (2), 14-33
Dodecyl sulfate chain anchored mesoporous graphene: synthesis and application to sequester heavy metal ions from aqueous phase
Journal ArticleHerein, graphene (GN) was synthesized, exfoliated by anchoring dodecyl sulfate chain through hydrophobic interaction over its surface (GN-SDS), and was tested to sequester Cu(II) and Mn(II) ions in single-metal system from aqueous phase. Acid-base titrations and elemental analysis results verified successful dodecyl sulfate chain anchoring over GN-SDS surface. Adsorption/desorption isotherms depicted Type-IV isotherm with H3 type hysteretic loop, confirming mesoporous nature of GN-SDS with BET surface area – 242 m2/g. The ID/IG ratios of GN and GN-SDS obtained by RAMAN spectroscopy were 0.8537 and 0.8540, respectively confirming no distortion in structure during modification. Electrostatic interaction between metal ions and negative surface charge and-/or Cπ electrons of GN-SDS was governing the adsorption process. Maximum Cu(II) and Mn(II) adsorption on GN-SDS was observed at pH 5 and 6, respectively. Rapid Cu(II) and Mn(II) adsorption kinetics accomplishing 80–92% and 87–96%, respectively at varied concentration in 60 min was observed. Maximum adsorption capacities for Cu(II) and Mn(II) on GN-SDS were 369.16 and 223.67 mg/g, respectively. Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic models were fitted to experimental data. Thermodynamically favorable adsorption process was observed. 30–33% drop in GN-SDS adsorption potential for Cu(II) and Mn(II) after five consecutive regeneration cycles was observed.
Fawzi Mohamed Amin Mohamed Elfagaih, (11-2016), Chemical Engineering Journal: Elsevier, 304 (1), 431-439
Irregular Arabic Plural without Stemming.
Conference paperAbstract— With the growth of digital Arabic documents specially in information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP) applications, identification of irregular plurals which are commonly called broken plurals (BP) in modern standard Arabic becomes very urgent issue. Broken plurals are formed by imposing interdigitating patterns on stems, and singular words cannot be recovered by standard affix stripping stemming techniques. Identifying broken plurals is an important and difficult problem which needs to be addressed. In information retrieval, deriving singulars from plurals is referred to as a stemming. The process of stemming can be achieved by removing the attached affixes from a given word. To the best of our knowledge, all existing Arabic stemmers are unreliable and still under research. Consequently, this paper proposes an approach which identifies broken plurals without the need to perform the stemming process on any given word. The well known decision tree system (WEKA J48) is applied to build a classifier (model) on a very huge Arabic corpus as a training data which is pre-processed and prepared as a piece of this work. The built classifier is evaluated using unseen test set. The obtained results reveal that a very promising broken plural recognizer could be designed and implemented for NLP applications.
Abduelbaset Mustafa Alia Goweder, (11-2016), Hammamet, Tunisia.: Proceedings of CEIT 2016, 1-6