Compliance of Libyan Government Websites with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Standards
Journal Article

This study provides a comprehensive evaluation of the compliance of key Libyan government websites with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, the latest international standard for digital accessibility published in October 2023. The assessment focuses on the nine new success criteria introduced in WCAG 2.2, which aim to improve accessibility for users with low vision, cognitive, and motor disabilities. By conducting thorough automated and manual testing, this research identifies the specific strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated websites in meeting WCAG 2.2 requirements at the A, AA, and AAA levels. The findings reveal significant areas for improvement across the government's online presence and provide actionable recommendations for Libyan institutions to enhance their digital accessibility efforts and create a more inclusive online environment for all citizens. KEYWORDS: digital accessibility, web accessibility, compliance, Libyan government websites

Musa Kh A Faneer, (10-2024), المجلة الأكاديمية للعلوم و التقنية الاكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا: Libyan Academy, 4 (1), 189-192

Investigation of the effect of the Reservoir Rock Compressibility on Oil Recovery Factor during Gas Injection
Journal Article

A type of EOR, secondary production includes water flooding and gas injection. Normally, gas is injected into the gas cap and water is injected into the production zone to sweep oil from the reservoir. A pressure-maintenance program can begin during the primary recovery stage, but it is a form of enhanced recovery. The main purpose of this report is to investigate the effect of the reservoir rock compressibility on oil recovery factor during gas injection. The problem statement of this study is firstly, as the reservoir oil and gas production under primary conditions, causes the reservoir pressure to decline. Secondly, A gas injection is required to re-energize or “re-pressurize" the reservoir. The main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of the reservoir fluid densities on oil recovery factor during gas injection. By using ECLIPES Software, we model the data and find out the best prediction of gas injection that is suitable for the available field data. It is proven that the optimum oil production is by injection a high amount of injection rate. The highest increase in percentage of the total gas production is when an injection of 54 MMSCF is 0.58 %. The higher the compressibility value of the rock, will give the higher the rate of oil and gas production. The relationship between oil rate, gas rate, pressure, and oil recovery factor are directing the compressibility of rocks is a direct relationship.

Madi Abdullah Naser Abdullrahman, (10-2024), Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences: مجلة جامعة سبها للعلوم البحثة و التطبيقية, 3 (22), 79-86

Medical Expert Systems in Ambulance Care
Journal Article

Daily incidents significantly impact the workflow of ambulance and healthcare personnel, whose critical role involves providing immediate medical treatment and facilitating transportation to hospitals. This study presents the design of a medical expert system aimed at enhancing first-aid response in ambulances and educating users on fundamental first-aid principles. The proposed system integrates a comprehensive knowledge base that catalogs disease symptoms and corresponding treatments, functioning similarly to a medical professional's guidance. While the system relies on pre-programmed symptoms, it allows for the continuous addition of new symptoms and diseases, ensuring adaptability in emergencies. This expert system is particularly beneficial for novice healthcare providers, equipping them with reliable diagnostic support and improving patient outcomes during medical emergencies.

Musa Kh A Faneer, Omer Saleh Mahmod Jomah, (10-2024), African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 4 (3), 210-217

Geochemical Parameters of Oil and Rock Samples from Murzuq Basin, Libya: An Application for Paleoenvironment Description
Journal Article

Seven sedimentary rocks and seven crude oils undertook a geochemical analysis to describe their organic matter type and

then tag the Paleoenvironments based on the organic matter. The samples were collected from B1-NC151, A1-NC58, P1-

NC1, E1-NC174, D1-NC151, H29-NC115, and D1-NC174 boreholes, located in Murzuq Basin. The study was established to

understand life forms in the ecosystem based on biomarkers that biochemical techniques recognized. Microscopy was used

for kerogen typing and Spore Color Index reference. Organic matter (EOM) was extracted from cutting samples. Furthermore,

hydrocarbons were saturated and aromatic fractionated from the samples to investigate using Gas chromatograph system.

Spore color index (SCI), range between 1.5-3.5, Amorphous organic matter (AOM) from 42 to 95 percentage, Phytoclasts %

were 4-15.5, and Palynomorphs % range 0.5 to 7.5. The percentage of Carbon 85.66-86.29, Hydrogen 13.16-13.73, Nitrogen

0.06 -0.27, and Sulfur 0.31-0.70, besides wax were measured, ranging among 1.3 to 6.0 %. Pristine/n-C17, Phytane/n-C18,

Pristine/Phytane, carbon preference index measurements (CPI) and DBT/P as saturated hydrocarbon ratios from whole oil

chromatographs were established. Tricyclic terpanes, hopanes and n-alkanes were distinguishing as the most important oil

biomarkers that reserved the characteristics in the Paleoenvironments. 

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (10-2024), Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal: الأكاديمية الليبية, 12 (126), 18-25

The cross-link between maternal HbA1c and neonatal outcome: A Clinical Case Report
Journal Article

Introduction: Diabetes is a common condition among pregnant women, and a high glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level can indicate poor outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. This report presents a case of an unknown diabetic primigravida with a significantly elevated HbA1c level, which resulted in severe complications during pregnancy and adverse fetal outcomes. Case Study: A 37-year-old primigravida was referred to the emergency obstetrics and gynaecology clinic, where she reported a notable decrease in fetal movements and feelings of lethargy. Laboratory tests revealed a significantly elevated blood sugar level. After assessing fetal well-being, the decision was made to terminate the pregnancy at 33 weeks and 2 days due to severe fetal distress. Immediate treatment was initiated to control the high blood sugar levels. The outcome was the delivery of a preterm boy who presented with multiple biochemical imbalances and required admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Conclusion: Improving hyperglycemia and glycated haemoglobin levels to lower than the upper normal limits during both the preconception and post-conception phases can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality for mothers and their fetuses.

Bahaedin Mustafa Ramadan Ben Mahmud, Fatma Ibrahem Alaribi, (10-2024), Libyan Academy: Academic Journal of Science and Technology, 1 (4), 222-228

Geochemical Evaluation of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Source Rocks at the Erawin Field, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya
Journal Article

Eighty-five rock samples corresponding to the Palaeozoic formations were taken from two wells in

the NC 200 Block of the Murzuq Basin. The study aimed to find out geochemical characteristics of

parameters and specific Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) biomarkers were 

applied to determine the potential hydrocarbon generation. Per se, Rocks are good sources and 

hold fair content of organic matter, crossing in the range of good accumulation, in which the very 

good source rocks have an organic carbon richness (TOC) reached of 3.7 wt%. The studied rocks 

are ranged from immature to late mature organic matter (OM) with total organic carbon richness 

(TOC) range between 0.4 – 3.7 wt%. Rock-Eval parameters S1, S2, S3, Tmax, S2/S3, OI, PI and HI 

of the source rock samples have values ranged from 0.02 – 0.3, 0.22 – 6, 0.36 – 4, 423 – 443, 24= 

350, 0 – 0.27 and 42 – 384 respectively. The range of hydrogen index (HI) related to oxygen index 

(OI) displays that all kerogen types from Type II to Type III are exist and increase with depth. The 

Tmax parameter is wide-ranging among studied formations, indicating different levels of organic 

matter maturity, from immature oil window and to late mature for the Devonian-Carboniferous and 

Silurian source rocks, associated with more depth. Molecular composition analysis of n-alkanes and 

other biomarkers supported the findings of Rock-Eval pyrolysis data, revealing varied hydrocarbon 

signatures across the formations. The Carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) suggested multiple sources 

contributing to the generated oil, including Type I to Type III kerogens. Silurian Bir Tlacsin/Tanezzuft Formations, the Devonian Awaynat Wanin/BDS II Formations, and

Salem Abdulghani Omar Aboglila, (10-2024), Journal of Scientific Research and Reports:, 30 (10), 465-481

Genetic Characterization and Sequencing of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Isolate Circulating in Beni-Suef Governorate, Egypt
Journal Article

Large outbreaks of skin lesions in cattle have been observed recently throughout the governorate. The LSDV was

shown to be the causative factor. The local strain of LSDV was sequenced and deposited into GenBank, where it

was assigned the accession number MK552139 and designated as LSDV/Egy-BSU/2018. The discovered strain

resources were connected and to other LSDVs, however the phylogenetic tree clustered viruses of sheep pox, goat

pox, and LSD viruses independently.

Lutfi Mohamed Mohamed Bakar, (10-2024), Online ISSN: 2957-644X: African Journal of Advanced Pure and Applied Sciences (AJAPAS), 3 (2), 9-16

Investigation of Unconventional Reservoirs of The Upper Cretaceous Source Rocks in The Hameimat Trough South East Sirte Basin, Libya
Journal Article

ABSTRACT: Study area situated in the center of the Hameimat trough which is located in the southeast of the Sirte basin. The Hameimat trough contains two of the largest oil fields in Libya, Gialo and Abu-Attifel fields. The Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet, and Sirte Formations are considered as the main source rock in Sirte Basin.Organic geochemical study of the Upper Cretaceous Rachmat, Tagrifet and Sirte Formations show these Formations have total organic carbon content values of 0.53% to 3.35% fair to excellent as source rock. The Kerogen types are type II and III mixed continental and marine organic matter. The thermal maturity of these formations indicates a mature stage in oil window.Oil saturation index (OSI: S1*100/TOC) shows that Sirte and Rachamt formations have low oil saturation, while the Tagrifet formation has good potential, where OSI exceeds 140 mg HC/g TOC in the most samples of the formation. The Tagrifet formation considers a good unconventional reservoir for shale oil, where the Sirte and Rachmat formations consider possible for shale oil with high risk.

Keywords: Unconventional reservoirs, Organic geochemistry, Sirte basin, shale oil and gas

Alsharef Abdassalam Abdallah Albaghdady, (09-2024), ليبيا: الجامعة الأسمرية, 12 (37), 145-168

الصّ راع المُ سلح في السّ ودان وتأثيره على ليبيا
مقال في مجلة علمية

بالر غ م من أن ال س ودان تتميز بمو ق ع استراتيجي وغنى بموارده وثرواته

الطبيعية وتعدد الأجناس من سكانه تجعله بلداً متقدماً اقتصادياً وينعم بالاستقرار، إلا أنه

من استقلاله لم ينعم بأي من أنواع الاستقرار وشهد صراعات متتالية على السلطة من

قبل حكوماته المتعاقبة، وتهميش اقتصادي وسياسي لأقاليمه، فمنذ إعلان الدولة الوطنية

الحديثة في عام 1956 م، م ر السودان باضطرابات وأزمات سياسية واجتماعية عديدة

تتصاعد وتير تها مع تعقيدات الأوضاع الداخلية وارتباطاتها الإقليمية والعالمية، مما

انعكس وضع الصراع على دول الجوار الإقليمي، ولعل أبرز الظواهر السياسية

والاجتماعية هما ظاهرة الصراع المسلح بين الشمال والجنوب وبين الأطراف والمركز

وجدي محمد علي بقبق، (09-2024)، مجلة القرطاس: مجلة القرطاس، 25 (3)، 368-390

متطلبات الحوكمة الالكترونية للرفع من مستوى الأداء الإداري لمؤسسات التعليم العالي بالجامعات الليبية
مقال في مجلة علمية

 هدفت هذه الورقة التعرف على متطلبات الحوكمة الإلكترونية للرفع من أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي بالجامعات الليبية، كذلك على أهم مبررات التحول نحو الحوكمة الإلكترونية، ومن خلال ذلك تحددت مشكلة البحث في التساؤل الرئيس التالي :

-  ما أهم متطلبات الحوكمة الإلكترونية للرفع من أداء مؤسسات التعليم العالي؟

تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للوصول إلى أهم النتائج والتوصيات من خلال الأدب النظري والدراسات السابقة في هذا المجال لملائمته مع طبيعة البحث.

توصل البحث إلى العديد من التوصيات منها :

1-     ضرورة التركيز على بناء البنية التحتية للحكومة الالكترونية.

2-     إنشاء شبكة اتصالات حوكمية لتقديم الخدمات الإدارية لمؤسسات التعليم العالي عبر هذه الشبكات.

3-     الربط الإلكتروني بين وزارة التعليم العالي والجامعات الليبية في إرسال المعلومات للرفع من الأداء الإداري .

الكلمات المفتاحية : الحوكمة الإلكترونية – الأداء الإداري

أمال عبدالله أحمد البوسيفي، (09-2024)، ليبيا: الجمعية الليبية للعلوم التربوية والإنسانية، 25 (2)، 323-337